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    Unless there’s a medical condition behind it, just STFU and eat the damn food provided. No need to showboat around someone else’s wedding with your special little blankie or whatever. Weird, rude, and childish.

    I’d still draw the line at picking small insects out and eating them, however.

    Anyone remember Dope Wars on PC? That was the bomb back in the day...

    And the need to start a “Carousel” (renew! renew!)

    Yep, just like that.  In this case, though, everybody who’s been there for years is either corrupt, a moron, or both, so the new kid’s got a point.

    Odds of 5,999:1 vs whatever gazillion:1 in the lottery though.

    Do not vape around your kids.

    This is all of them. United is bad mostly because it’s so big; in fact, it owns the rate setting database other insurers use for “reasonable and customary charges”.  They all need to be dismantled, and their executives led naked through the streets with a stern woman tolling a bell and intoning “shame.”

    This illustrates why “no HOA” was an absolute requirement when I was searching for my house. That and the whole paying-rent-and-a-mortgage thing.

    They should just serve yesterday’s leftover slices, cold.  That’s true breakfast pizza, and it is glorious.


    Yay capitalism.” - Austin “Danger” Powers, 1997

    Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!

    Take away 72/84/96-month poor people trap financing, and this would die real quick.

    Wow, what’s wrong with the 3/4 ton Chevy? Bizarre!  That 5.3 had a bad rod knock issue for a while, but I thought it got sorted in like 2010 or 11, and that wouldn’t be the motor in the 2500 anyway...

    NO NO NO NO NO on the Frontier! Secondary timing chain guide made of plastic, wears out about every 60K, requires HOURS of labor to replace.  I bought one new in 07, had the issue in 09, got rid of it shortly after it was fixed on warranty, because cheapass Nissan won’t use correct materials for that guide.  Never

    Like Casper for old Jeeps! 

    Left lane hogs

    Don’t forget though, while humans are a vocal minority, ignoring the talking animal vote comes at your own peril.

    $1.  Next question.