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    Live somewhere other than the US.

    Yet few are quite so tasty...

    Looks like that cook’s getting...bounced.

    That colorshift blue-->purple paint was pretty sweet too.

    This is an interesting idea! One area of concern:

    A friend of mine towed a 5th wheel towing a car towing a utility trailer all the way from Phoenix, AZ to northern NM.  This stuff happens out here all the time.

    A lot of the issue in ‘74 was the bullshitty electronics, which threw false negatives CONSTANTLY.

    Or someone let their buff fall off.

    Uphill, both ways, in the snow.

    Thank you, Claire, for upping my huevos rancheros game.

    It’s from Phaidon; I’m assuming the price tag is enough of a deterrent to actual purchases that your evil plan would never work.

    Who the hell is the audience supposed to be for this? Genuinely curious.

    CP for the tramp stamp alone.

    Regardless of the outcome of the allegations, his behavior was stereotypical “80's frat boy”, and deserves to be mocked.

    Thanks for the suggestion! When the issue first appeared, I considered the pads, but was in the middle of a WOW binge and didn’t want to wait the 2 days for shipping, do just replaced paste. Have since forgotten. Any recommendation on a fairly cheap, good pad?

    If there are no Sheetz, try drinking some metamucil before bed. Then, there will be Sheetz.

    Sounds more like an outtake from Point Break than an actual millenial.  

    All chocolate Neccos are a gift from God.

    THE PUMPKINS!!!  Can’t deal with the “chocolate” black cats though; they taste like a tire boiled in syrup.

    It’s probably AHP (accelerated); VERY bad stuff to ingest.  Great disinfectant, but holy shit, wouldn’t want to mess with that.