Good luck defending a reality tv star casino owner who takes money out of my pay check and uses it to golf every weekend.
Good luck defending a reality tv star casino owner who takes money out of my pay check and uses it to golf every weekend.
Yeesh. Just admit you voted for a reality tv star casino owner and that's why your kids are too embarrassed to let you near their children
I have never seen a more miserable human being than Donald Trump.
Yeah it's not connected at all keep expecting nothing from our President and never raising the bar at all
It's always a rough year when you find yourself next to a smiling Trump while you look like you want to take a bath with a toaster
Kanye who? Oh you mean that rapper who thought it would really help his image to take a buddy buddy photo with Trump despite that time traveler in the background being just too late to stop it?
I wish anger wasn't the first emotion we felt when younger people don't know the things we know or like the things we like. Just below i nearly blew my stack at a kid who liked the phantom menace and thought the first star wars was boring.
I guarantee you most millennials won't believe you if you tell them there was a time you were charged BY THE HOUR for internet. That's why I've never been comfortable being lumped in with them
I wish you were most people
Understanding and bitching about safe spaces because fox news told you kids are giant pussies today not manly men like Bill O'Reilly are two different things. Also i assume you recognize that some things that appeal to them just aren't for you rather than ranting about how much better everything was when you were…
Not a popular opinion but when an entire generation is looking up to you you have a responsibility to not set an example that will lead them down a path of apathy that leads them into suicidal drug use. Is it fair? No. But here we are
There's a reason our government is filled with dinosaurs who still think it's okay to get drunk at work instead of 30 and 40 somethings who at least know how to send an e mail. At least millennials are motivated to get involved in local government.
Don't vote. Both parties are the same. Trying is for losers
There's a difference between I CAN TYPE and you can look up any video at any time
Yikes way to trigger everyone older than you. Pushed EVERY button
I hear millennial and i think of a kid who never had to limit his internet time to one hour because dad only paid for x amount of hours of internet this month
There's a fine line between "this thing makes me happy and i want to share that with you" and "you're an ignorant philistine if you don't know what i know."
I call it a blessing because at least we're able to appreciate what we have now. Kids these days take for granted the fact that you can find that one part on YouTube.
Finally i fit in somewhere. I hate today's music but can't stand gen Xs damaging "don't vote both parties are the same whatever never mind Kurt…WHY DID YOU LEAVE US KURT" mentality. We get it. You hate safe spaces too. Why don't you join the baby boomers and whine about the kids these days because nothing says mature…
What happens to Hoover is such a great example of the callous nature of the power that I'm hoping the show has a long term pay off a few seasons from now