Winston Booth

What have millennials actually DONE? Okay, they're annoying. And? They only annoy you if you actively go searching for their forums. When someone literally gets in an argument over how offensive SUPERNATURAL is….I stop listening. Just like I stop listening when right wingers start comparing gay marriage to bestiality.

Why should anyone relate to people who have absolutely no problem with torture? With banning Muslim people? With rounding up 11 million families and putting them in camps? With grabbing women without asking? And if these people DON'T support that but voted for Trump ANYWAY…they're even worse. There's no excuse to be

If you think the current president thinking he can grab any woman he wants without asking isn't a big deal I'd like to introduce you to every classroom in America now full of girls living in even more fear than they were before.

The RNC featured a mob of people literally accusing her of devil worship. Now those people run the country.

Can't find anything to argue with there. What the fuck was even WITH that Nancy Reagan comment? First she compliments her on helping gay people completely unasked, then walks it back? Who did she think she was gaining support from, gay people? Democrats who liked Nancy Reagan? Republicans?

I voted for Hillary, but c'mon: either she actually thought the Iraq war was something that had to happen, in which case fucking YIKES, or she knew it was a bad idea but thought she had to vote for it anyway to advance her political career.

White people AREN'T voting their interests. If they were they would have realized the reality tv star casino owner might not make a good president.

This is a comment every single person needs to read. There's real fear in this country, not the pretend "OBUMMER GONNA PUT ME IN A FEMA CAMP" delusions Republicans kept yammering about for 8 years.

This is the best comment I have ever seen. Republicans keep telling me California shouldn't count because everyone who votes there is "an illegal." Ya know, that thing we hunt down with our pick up trucks.

I have to say this exchange gave me hope for the future. It's probably one of the only times I've seen an issue resolved on the internet.

I repeat: If someone is literally saying white people are superior and everyone else is inferior, that person is a Nazi. When did the bar get so fucking low you guys?

We've reached the point where we HAVE to give braindead Nazi bimbos a bigger platform because everyone's racist uncle on facebook forwarded her dumb ass ramblings? Jesus wept. Nobody I knew even HEARD about her before. Now she's everywhere. GREAT JOB DAILY SHOW!

Being a kid growing up during the Bush years, I watched an entire media gas light this country into believing a stuttering terrified C-student coke head who can barely speak words is a perfectly normal, competent president. And every authority figure insisting that criticizing the president is supporting terrorism.

How about shredding Nazis? It's always worked out fine for everyone who's not a Nazi. And because it has to be said: BELIEVING WHITE PEOPLE ARE SUPERIOR AND EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T MAKES YOU A NAZI. WAKE THE FUCK UP EVERYONE AND STOP GIVING THEM A PLATFORM.

Rich because his daddy kept giving him small loans of a million dollars. Can conservatives please try to learn the difference between "Earned" wealth and "inherited" wealth? There's two people, one who was literally born with every disadvantage one could ever have to being president yet STILL worked hard and picked

Honest question: who would read reviews of FAMILY GUY? What would a review of FAMILY GUY even be? "This week's episode theme of -HEY REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME"

I mean when Brad Pitt said he couldn't run for President because he'd be pro pot, pro gay marriage and pro choice…well…look at the world as it is now guy, you've DEFINITELY got more charisma than that orange rapist. PITT/CLOONEY 2020!

I will say this: there's a very specific Hollywood mentality of "Look, we WOULD cast someone not-white, but those dumb fly over hicks in the mid-west would TOTALLY hate that, we have um….this graph? And this chart that says so? Again, if it were up to us, which it TOTALLY isn't, we'd be MORE than happy to cast more

He gets away with it because while we laugh at a cartoon version of Bush he gets away scott free for war crimes and turning this country into a torture friendly train wreck. Did you catch how Trevor Noah totally DESTROYED a Neo-Nazi girl who has now skyrocketed to fame now that he gave her a platform? Us liberals sure

It baffles me that people who voted for a reality tv star casino owner
STILL sneer when a celebrity speaks. Hey conservatives, Liberals aren't
the ones electing celebrities, YOU'RE the ones electing Reagan, Arnold
and now pussy grabber Trump. Ya know, the guy who's catch phrase was
YOU'RE FIRED is really gonna help