
Thank you! Immediate calls for resignation because of one incident that we do not have all of the details about is ridiculous. He’s not even touching her body in the photo, there’s kevlar and a two-inch plate between his fingertips and her actual boobs.

And liberals/progressives will never learn this lesson. They like the self-righteousness too much. Oh well, enjoy the conservative control of government for another generation!

No, I mean their politicians whenever they’re attacked for something. Conservatives rally and keep them in office while liberals/progressives immediately throw them to the wolves. Ask Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.

But what does accountable mean in this particular instance? This is gross behavior, it is absolutely an example of toxic masculinity/boys club/patriarchy, but it also doesn’t seem egregious enough for him to resign over.

I agree with what you said, and im all for holding someone accountable, doesnt look like he’s touching her in that photo. Childish? Yes? A little pervy? Yes. But we cant keep painting these scenarios with the same brush. And really, the #metoo tag? Id be embarrassed to lump myself in with people who had been

The whole “medically necessary” thing really riles conservatives, who declare it’s completely unnecessary even though the DoD has done this before and in fact requires a doctor to declare it medically necessary.

Complaining about Peach being kidnapped is like complaining water is wet.

OMG someone calmly and mildly criticized something in a game we better type up a whiny comment accusing the author of being more mad than he actually was

Just the latest reminder that microtransactions aren’t separate from the game. They can be central to the game itself, in mechanics designed to trigger further purchases.

joke’s on them, i’m not logged into iCloud OR my apple ID.

So... I should disable the loss/theft-prevention feature of my devices to prevent theft? Seems like a “Dummies Guide” solution, no?

I’m not sure if it’s because of my family’s history, but I don’t find the bouncer idea weird at all. There was a family wedding where one family member demanded (it wasn’t a request, it was an order she fully expected to be followed) that the groom should uninvite his own mother because she didn’t like her. That

Just a dumb dude here, but am I missing something? Where is the future spouse in this equation? How about dealing with the asshole sister together? If the future spouse can’t stand up to family now, fuss which side he will choose down the road....

Davos is the hero we all need. I seriously cheer him every time he does this.

The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets

My brother is literally the same person, lives with my parents, is on his 3rd child (to be born soon), doesn’t work, etc. We sure as fuck didn’t invite him to our wedding.

Option the third: Tell that bitch “Peeeeeeeace!” Now your wedding has 29 guests which means one less person to not really remember having spoken to even once the entire night.

Wedding folx: no, you don’t *have* to invite her. She’s made it clear she has no desire to be respectful at YOUR wedding, and it is YOUR WEDDING, so disinvite that bish and carry on with your life.