
Let’s see here... Break the law and loot a food/water source for food/water *OR* wait/starve/dehydrate whilst waiting for a handout that in all likelihood will not come on time? Katrina proved that no matter how prepared/unprepared a government might be, it is never anywhere near good enough. Harvey appears to be more

He does look stupid. All the time. But what freaks me right the fuck out is his absolute joylessness. It scares me.

Holy fuck does Trump look stupid. I mean just look at that un-thinking face. Those beady, unfocused eyes. You could hold the paper up to his left ear and read it through his right.

Anybody who thought that Eva Braun and The Other Eva Braun were going to be any kind of help was deluded. 

That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

I going to guess that you rooted for Javert?

Is it OK that people who did not prepare, buy supplies in advance, or evacuate to steal from you?

What if you are the owner of that supermarket?

Question: what is wrong with you? Followup question: what is wrong with you?

Horseshit like this is why people hate libertarians.

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

people who did not prepare, buy supplies in advance, or evacuate

We probably should not be humoring your idiocy, but what exactly is the supermarket going to do with those goods? Are they going to sell old bread and milk when they reopen after the flood?

you are a shit person and if there is any good in this world you don’t hold an ounce of authority over anyone or anything

Holy crap is this a nuclear take. Does it occur to you, oh paragon of the Free Market, that a supermarket has already written off its entire stock? If the power’s out for as long as it has been the entire damn inventory is no longer able to be sold, it would be thrown out either way. But hey someone somewhere is

It’s only criminal looting if the perps are black. If they’re white, it’s upstanding citizens doing the best they can to provide for their families in a time of crisis.

Have you always been a piece of shit, or is it something you’ve worked towards?

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

But there is no way in fuck any state entities should have this shit on their property. The Confederate States are the definition of TRAITORS, and honoring those who served them is the same as honoring traitors. I don’t understand this shit...