
So the problem with Clinton is that she said the right thing in the wrong order?

For them, the war is already on. And they are winning.

Either one would be just as or more illegal than simply refusing to unlock it. Intentionally destroying or falsifying evidence isn’t a great look.

Traditionally congress enforced the emoluments clause, which specifically forbids gifts to federal officials like the President. So yes, typically Presidents do not receive personal gifts. They sometimes accept gifts on behalf of the office, which they must leave behind when they leave the office.

Why do so many articles have zero replies? Is commenting broken? All I see is this ‘join the conversation!’ grey box. It isn’t a conversation if no one is saying anything.

I hear this a lot, but I’ve never seen a police officer protect anyone. I’ve only ever seen police inconveniencing people or ruining their lives.

try again?

I would almost certainly lose my job if we cut off trade with China. I imagine basically anyone whose job includes selling goods would be in the same boat.

The only winning move is not to play.

It’s a bluff, they still don’t get citizenship.

Hey there’s that false equivalence everyone is talking about! I didn’t think I’d get to see one in the wild!

RIP your inbox

Dead eyes, like a doll’s eyes

Pretty sure even people from Texas can keep more than one thought in their head at a time.

I think the ‘kids that lost everything’ might be concerned about climate change, yeah. Do you get less concerned by climate change the more it affects you? I don’t think so.

This natural disaster is horrible, on many sides, many sides

Now you’re getting it.

“I’m mad you accurately summed up my points but not mad enough to do anything about it lol”

“I chose not to defend my bad ideas because that would make me look like an idiot. Instead I attacked CNN for no reason! You’re a hypocrite!”