So, variable input on the shoulder triggers rather than binary. Gotcha.
So, variable input on the shoulder triggers rather than binary. Gotcha.
... what?
Presidents don’t set the budget.
Gotta get manged, mang.
“It is a very conceivable notion that you can bring up a word and topic, without degrading it, or disrespecting it.”
There are extreme emotions involved in lots of surgeries, too. By it’s nature, surgery is an extremely personal, sensitive subject.
OOh, Decent Up. I like that. Make America Decent Again.
I’m pretty sure we can use abortion flippantly and no one cares. Who cares about that?
Yeah it’s not this guy’s fault he’s racist, it’s the site’s fault for calling him out as a racist!
I think we could woo fiscal conservatives with math and concessions, maybe debt-related promises. The abortion and Jesus crowd will pray to their Republican God and he’ll tell them to vote Republican no matter what we say, so for those it makes sense to bring a sword rather than an olive branch. It’s a losing move to…
Well why didn’t he run, then? Little late to the party, Joe. Now everything is on fire.
^ this tree fucks
I have it on good authority that peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown.
Ted Cruz: “I prayed on it, and God told me to vote for Trump.”
You can have a shot at her anytime, I’ve heard. Cash her ousside at your convenience.
She starts suing people for mentioning her, is typically how that goes.
Nah that’s consistent with meme status. Aubrey Plaza was in the Grumpy Cat movie. Grumpy Cat made 100 million in two years. Aubrey Plaza is famous. Grumpy Cat is a meme.
Jesus she’s 14??
‘Famous’ — that person is a meme, it’s a little different.
Dear everyone: stop booking Kellyanne Conway. It’s never worth it.