
I was ungrey on Gawker could you help a girl out? I’m followed by Dog, I think that’s pretty impressive

Jalopnik why do you cover these people who compete to see who can drive in a circle the fastest?? Like really what’s the point?

I mean there are people who can cum on command so I don’t know what you could do to beat that time

Specifically I mean that when it was released it was not a good game. It was a directionless procedural sandbox. They polished that turd painstakingly over time.

Not exactly how that works. If your boss brings a spy to the meeting, you don’t get to not have the meeting. He’s your boss. He decides who gets briefed.

You must hate minecraft.

I mean, I guess. I see where you’re coming from. But so much of the artistic direction of the industry has been to make games more cinematic. Watching those types of games is kind of the obvious consequence. Horror games are a great example: I get a totally different type of enjoyment from watching someone get

Eh, people watch sports, too. And people watch Magic the Gathering games. People listen to Dungeons and Dragons podcasts. Agency doesn’t require personal interaction to be interesting. Other people’s agency is fun to watch, especially interesting or funny people.

Yeah, so unfair. When will men ever get anything?

Literally unplayable

You’re describing the chilling effect of illegal censorship.

This is not remotely the same as performance fees paid by a cover band. In that scheme, the cover band receives the right to perform the music. Lets Players get no such guarantee.

Eh, more like watching a video of someone watching a play. If it was a famous person I’d totally watch that. If Patrick Stewart had a YouTube channel if him watching ten minute chunks of opera with commentary I’d subscribe.

You own a soccer ball. Could spend limited time playing soccer, instead watches someone else play it...

Regardless of the source of the entertainment value, what Nintendo is doing is illegal. The Youtubers who review games are creating transformative works, which are fair use. Nintendo (and other game companies, Nintendo is just particularly egregious) abuses the ease that YouTube allows them to issue copyright

“Resident Students and Vice Principals”, duh

In Elite Dangerous, scoopable stars are these classes: O, B, A, F, G, K and M. Recalled by the neumonic device: “Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!” Saved my bacon many a times while in uncharted space searching for Earth-likes.

Damn Shep way to grow some danglers

We need to start Infowarwars so we can get to the bottom of the Alex Jones/Trump/Russia connection