I think we need to consider his position, too, which is that he’s no puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet
I think we need to consider his position, too, which is that he’s no puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet
Wait wouldn’t Trump collapsing the economy make it easier to buy a house (when housing prices are lower)?
Pictured: ‘The’ Root
Link and Ganon buddy cop story? I love it. Since her triforce piece is ‘wisdom’, it would be cool to see an evil spin on that.
But - she’s not wearing heels...
Sure, but for instance, the government already has Trump’s tax return. We could pass a law that anyone who is running for president’s tax return is to be made public. The onus right now is on the candidate, but it doesn’t have to be.
Thought we already knew Nintendo had contracted out the online service? Not sure where I heard that, tho, so maybe it was a prophetic dream or something
Why is it crazier in Canadian money?
In Japan, Nintendo’s crappy online functionality predates the Wii.
Really hoping they model some sort of game of the month free offering like PS+ does (did?). Maybe that could encourage Nintendo to get off their asses when it comes to their back catalog. Free monthly SNES and N64 roms would be enough to warrant a subscription. “Oh, sweet, Cruisin USA is free if I download it this…
Not really.
There’s no ‘too old’. If Bernie is too old, Trump is too old. If Trump isn’t too old, Bernie isn’t too old.
Not if you’re rich. Or if they don’t catch you.
I think an organized effort to confuse out of town Trump supporters is a great idea. Lets print up some phony ‘you are here’ stickers for the subways maps.
Don’t hold your breath. That’s a malignant ego that’s only going to consume more and more forever.
I have to figure that Hollywood types have to be thinking about running. “He won because he’s famous and newsworthy? I’m three times as famous! I could win and really do some good in Uganda or whatever!”
Facebook is absolutely an echo chamber. Sounds like it just isn’t the right echo chamber for you.
Ugh had a frustrating back and forth about “telling it like it is”. My relative was talking about how he was sure that Trump wouldn’t really do all the terrible things he said he would do. I asked how that was “telling it like it is” and he said, “No, no, the appeal isn’t that he isn’t politically correct. He takes…
But you must know, somewhere in the fight-or-flight lizard part of your brain, that he is beloved. There are a great many Americans who love him as dearly as voters loved Obama, and for similar reasons. He is not reviled. He’s not wrong about his popularity, outside of echo chambers like this. He represents America -…