
Oh, and for the record, there are totally alien hotties. It’s your media driven standard of beauty that’s the real problem.

Most games don’t require you to win.

You’re invited to participate. Knock over those easily dismissed defenses. Is there more than giant snakes to be butthurt about?

No, you just have way too narrow of a view on what a multiplayer experience is. You were expecting direct player interactions - despite being told over and over not only not to expect it, but that it’s not the point.

Link plz

Lol okay pretty sure what I got was infinite procedurally generated chocolate cake but if you wanna go on about how it doesn’t have cherries on top when they said all along that it was extremely statistically unlikely to encounter any cherries then sure, you sound like somebody who isn’t butthurt. Best of luck with

Changed the font after that first trailer, too. You butthurt about the font? I’m a little butthurt about the font.

The service is working, though. Just not as many people imagined it would work. People love to talk about multiplayer but A) it has multiplayer B) we were consistently told not to expect player interaction.

See now he sounds like a dick

He never said anything about giant snakes, I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with that giant snake, maybe they make a salve for your hurt butt

All Winston skins are Harambe skins

Are you super sure he was the bully in that scenario?

Yes, their post-launch communication has been pretty egregious, but with the intense community backlash it’s hard to blame them.

What if you were making a game that had weird, asynchronous multiplayer — a little indie title — and suddenly you are famous and you and your team stand to make a shitload of money and all anyone wants to ask you is whether or not your game has multiplayer? Well, yeah, it has multiplayer, but that’s not the point,

Game has multiplayer, just multiplayer you don’t understand. Every single interview when he talked about multiplayer, Murray said that if you’re expecting multiplayer interactions you’re missing the point.

Spoken like someone who is butthurt about no sand worms. I’ll freely admit, there’s no sand worms in this game. There was an early trailer that said there’d be a sand worm, and there’s no sand worm. That’s a pretty silly thing to get your butt so hurt over.

There are three factions, who are all at war with a fourth enemy faction, who are pirates. You can join in and pick sides. If you pick pirate side, you’re still fair game for pirates. Because they are pirates.

If you’re still butthurt that there’s no giant snake, I don’t know what to tell you.

Sincerely agree.

What a weirdly even-handed hacker. Very strange, how sympathetic the tone appears to be.