
Stars and Stripes forever

No, this joke is great, from a family of great jokes, which defeated the Czar and Hitler.

This is amazing. My favorite is all the random clips of the Edge edited into Tomb Raider scenes in inappropriate places.

Every time they want to launch a new film franchise they tell the origin story. I am very done with origin stories.

Yeah, you’re missing the point. It’s not that these shorts are not conventionally appealing enough to the male gaze or some shit, it’s that they’re impractical and unfashionable and appropriately out of touch with reality.

Man, I love Nintendo, and they have all my favorite IP, but I’m not going to buy another console with no games to play.

Or at least reduced ability to make future claims. Introduce a similar demerit system as the one that creators have to deal with - a waiting period after making a false claim before you can make another claim, for instance, or a ‘strike’ system that locks you out after several false claims.

Really it’s Mr Fantastic and the Thing that have terrible names that totally obscure what they do. Mr Fantastic is the name of a PH.D. who can stretch himself out? The Thing is the name of a pilot made of rocks?

Bethesnet ?? That is a silly name.

Thanks for saying these things, they needed saying. You said them well.

You’ve internalized the propaganda and you are thinking the correct thoughts, but we would appreciate if you’d stop attempting to articulate them. Let others make this argument; applaud them for their virtue, but do as they say, not as they do. Your white knighting isn't really helping the cause.

Yo you clicked on the Chun Li Accidental Cosplay article to complain her legs are too big? That’s her superpower, man, it’s Chun Li’s whole thing. That’s like saying Blanca is too green.

You’re talking to someone who says ‘Chineese’ unironically. This will not be enlightening for either of you.

Better than the article.

Plus, paying for things in coins is awesome. Get your beer, pay in coins. Feels great, very satisfying - little clinks on the bar. Makes you feel like a swashbuckler, or Han Solo.

That's amazing. You left out the part where it cured her?

You should try this beer detox I’m on. It’s mostly beer. Cleans the system right out.

Chew... the smoothie?

To be fair, fluoride is a toxin - if you eat it. It’s great for your teeth, though. Just don’t eat it.

All these sold-through eBay deals don’t work for me. Their PayPal interface rejects my credit card. I think it’s because it’s automatically correcting my ZIP code to the full 9 digit ZIP, then rejecting that address info because the bank gives my 5 digit. Cannot use. PayPal is garbage.

All these sold-through eBay deals don’t work for me. Their PayPal interface rejects my credit card. I think it’s