
Kotaku, whose stock in trade is information, profited by making secret information public. They profited by performing their primary duty; their occupation; their profession.

Inherently my point doesn’t have anything to do with why Bethesda cut ties with Kotaku, which you keep circling back to. The central issue is this: it is not unprofessional for journalists to publish leaked information which may embarass corporate interests. That’s an absurd claim, and if you follow that line of

Bullshit. In your original post on this thread you claim publishing the leak was unprofessional, i.e., poor journalism. That’s what I take issue with, because it’s inherently absurd. If you’ve reversed that stance then I’ll applaud your growth as a human being and knower of things, but somehow I doubt that.

Nope, pretty sure I nailed it. Your ideal journalism is passive cronyism and that's absurd and laughable.

You have some bizarre ideas about journalism.

Agreed on most of this. Happiness with an up arrow is pretty self-explanatory though.

A lot of PC users invest time, money, and expertise into personally assembling their rig, and the rewards for doing so speak for themselves.

I ordered Pip Boy Edition immediately following E3. I was well hyped. Checked status yesterday - was concerned it hasn’t shipped yet, but it still showed estimated delivery on Tuesday.

Well, and his unique charm kinda comes from the way all his facial features are kinda crooked.

It’s not worthless to the Air Force, clearly. How much do you think it is worth to them? 5 mil? Because they’ve already spent much more than that on harassing these people, guarding the property, and pursuing legal action against them, all on the taxpayer dime.

If the land has no value, why is the govt so keen to buy it?

Vladimir Putin. UFO enthusiasts. Defense contractors. Off the top of my head.

If the Air Force wants it so bad, they should pay for it.

How about the Air Force buys some other mine, then, since it’s a fair price and all. I’m sure the Air Force could get lots of good mining land with that 5 mil. Then everyone gets what they want.

Foreign nationals would probably like to own it, for instance. Defense contractors, maybe. Just like, off the top of my head.

“Leave the land you have inherited. Here, have some beads. Go and live off the fat of the land.”

Inflation is far from the only factor to consider in land value. For example: has the area around the land been developed? Like, say, into a test area for bleeding edge aeronautics research?

How about if someone’s been kicking you in the balls for decades, and now wants to buy the broken husks they’ve left you with? 5.2 mil still sound fair?

It’s not in the middle of nowhere. It’s in the middle of Area 51’s test flight radius.

To put it in terms that anyone can grasp: