Winchester Sister

I grew up with "gay" for men and women, then learned about "gay men" and "lesbian women," then had friends both who did care and didn't care about being called "gay" regardless of gender. So I just go with what the person tells me s/he wants to be identified. Which, actually, is how I prefer things when it comes to

But the A in the group when I was in college *was* for allies!

Extra star for your pic choice!

That's horrible. And I would not wish my being called "Thunder Thighs" on you, either.

I think it used to be that triangle area. That's the image I have (really tight pants) from when I was growing up. I only heard "thigh gap" in the past two years, and it does seem to be the whole thigh area now.

Oh, my gosh . . . A world where stretch marks were cool? Sigh . . .

Personally, I hate my big thighs. But it's a small relief to know that some people, somewhere, might appreciate them. (I don't know what I'd do in my body if I were white. Probably I would have had a very serious eating disorder.)

I would not sacrifice a small, cute animal.

Not to wear out the insides of my pants . . . It's a dream of mine, I admit.

I know you had good intentions . . .

Kinja won't let me edit. It's not okay when people glorify a thigh gap (or other feature) that many people can't have naturally, leading to people without it feeling bad about themselves and/or trying to diet/exercise their ways to something that isn't healthily attainable.

It's all good. It's okay if you have one naturally. It's not okay when people glorify a thigh gap (or other feature) that many people can't have naturally.

It's okay. I've never heard anyone say that thighs that touch are sexy . . . Mine have touched since elementary school.

Something positive about being overweight during the zombie apocalypse? I'll take it!

And I've had some corduroy pants that I loved. *Loved!* Perfect everywhere except the inner thighs.

I have tears in my eyes now from this thread . . . but I'm laughing . . . Obviously, I can relate!

Thank you for this!

I'm here! I may be late but I wasn't really on Jezebel yesterday. For what it's worth, I see a lot of posts in the greys even days after a story since Kinja changed. Also, I'm not Latina, but I'm a voracious reader and check out most articles (and too many comments)! So I've just found two new-to-me musicians and

Greek students, or students in Greek organizations?

Pat down search.