Winchester Sister

The Cape Cod area is a special place.

You can have mine!

I tend to put Arizona, Alabama, and Arkansas in the same category.

No problem. Sometimes we never get out of the greys, too!

Who's "we?" All of the male white students at this school? Or is it just that that's not what you would name it?

Okay, but what does the conduct code say is/isn't okay when on campus? Usually it's generic/broad enough to cover things that aren't written in detail. You wrote "behaviour" so I'm guessing you're not in school in the U.S.? That could be enough of a difference; I can only comment on U.S. policies I've seen.

Thank you! (I watched the whole clip.) I've been spared this trend only because I avoid YouTube as much as possible, and because I'm "old." One of those "I know it exists, but if I research it too much, I'm gonna hate people more than I already do" self-preservation things.

If you live in Salem, MA, as I used to, it's practically six weeks!

This is in Alabama. But I think Arizona is close.

I have dense breasts, too. Yay! I would love to see more developments in the mammography technology.

I appreciate that; I'm old enough to be able to see those changes. I would like to see that for other women's cancers, too.

I really want to see more support for researching uterine cancer and cervical cancer.

I honestly teared up reading this story. I would have loved doing these things when I was a girl.

Yes! I'm watching right now!

I'm trying to decide if I'm happy or bummed that I've never been to a shower with this game.

The story behind that rosary — the visions, the (not surprising) lack acknowledgement from the Church . . . I do like that people buying that ish aren't donating to their cause the process.

Washington Scandals?

Used to live in Ohio. HATE that mascot.

I replied to your post in the other thread.

I agree, but "Redskins" is the only name that's a slur. And the Blackhawks team, besides having a respectable graphic, is directly connected to the Native American Indian roots in Illinois. The Braves and Chiefs at least use tools instead of people for graphics. I'd love for lots of changes, but on this list,