Holly Green

We’re all distraught over this, but don’t dole out spectacularly stupid advice. At the heart of this story is the omnipresence of cameras - and if you think that by storming in and assaulting a child bully at school is going to yield positive results in this day and age (nothing like when your badass mother did it),

Poor much for enjoying his glass of wine in peace, thanks Page Six.

He was once a rich industrialist until his business partner, one Mr Spacely, stole his company and fucked his space-wife.

Nah, there’s no pattern.

They torrent other content and complain they can’t get jobs.

It’s because they are all about projection. They lie, therefore they are convinced we lie too.

A hard-fought game of Purse Speed Chess followed...

Really, my main takeaway from the WaPo story is how incompetent PV comes across as. It’s almost as if they have no understanding whatsoever of how basic journalism works. Like it didn’t occur to them that the paper might Google their mole’s name.

Project Veritas preparing for their next big exposé 

Conservative Twitter is having a cow over this. O’Keefe is like a god to many of them, and the fact that he got owned so hard isn’t something too many of them can get their minds around.

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:

CK started to gross me out when it seemed like his self deprecation never resulted in personal growth. Everyone fucks up and it’s ok to admit that and make jokes, but eventually you start to realize this shit is a pattern and we’re not laughing at fuck ups we’re laughing at a guy admitting he’s shitty and not doing

Here’s the simple fact: It’s The New York Times

I can taste it. How can I taste it?

“He reeked of patchouli”

What he did is inexcusable.

Portia’s then-agent also sounds like a gem.

It seems like so many men think that if they don’t have a burning, all-consuming hatred for women in the forefront of their conscious brains, that this automatically means that they respect women. Like, if they don’t actually think the words “what a fucking cunt” they are okay.

I find with context (I watched that video), it’s less subjective than your comment lets on.

Poor girl, she was just a baby.