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I’ll have you know that the hipster sitting at the Colectivo on the lakefront thinks Milwaukee is doing just fine. We have this new Bucks arena coming, see. It looks like a thermonuclear explosion, but it’s actually economic development...I think.

He’s still recovering from #Th4nksgiving

I’ll cash it in as soon as I hear Seattle fans stop bitching about Super Bowl XL.

And by the way, scouts were there to see Henry Ellenson too. He’s pretty good.

This is an outtake from Blazing Saddles, right? Good god.

The European setting just adds so much to this movie. I wasn’t used to chase scenes through Paris. It was a breath of fresh air at the time as far as action flicks go.

Wow, F—k da Eagles Heather has really let herself go.

I read this in Gruden’s voice.

Bear finishing what kayak started.

Pictured: every stoner, ever.

+ *

Kebron James

Good Samaritan Dino Laurenzi strikes again.

Tricksy bears. I always thought they traveled single file to hide their numbers.

Is it bad that Grizzly Man still gives me the creeps? Watching Herzog listen to that audio recording...

Came for the article title, stayed for the click-bait content. Well done.

Nothing like playing russian roulette each year with your best players in awful, forgettable preseason games. I’m sure the Packers will enjoy taking their cut of the profits. FML.