
Well, darn. I'm bummed. Thanks for pointing that out.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see Yojimbo in action last night. Hopefully we'll see it used in flashbacks.

Wow. What a fantastic episode. I was absolutely transfixed the entire time.

Holy shit am I going to miss this show. <3

I wish he'd killed everyone so I wouldn't have to watch another season.

The aliens just wanted a closer look at all the action. It's like they were enjoying this episode as much as I was.

I'm not sure I blinked for an hour.

Sonny had the best view in the house, with semi-cold beers to boot.


It is obvious that this show was not created for me. I'm going to bow out.

The snail sex scene under the fireflies was mesmerizing.

Hard for me to believe Doran would be privy to this and send his son off with Jaime and Bronn when Myrcella is going to be instantly murdered and everyone will know who did it.

What is going to stop the boat from simply turning around? They aren't even half a mile from the shore. Doran is going to be sympathetic with Jaime, not Ellaria. If you've got Myrcella bleeding from her nose just minutes after leaving, turning the ship right around would be the smart decision. Bronn obviously

Oh? I didn't even catch that. I was probably too busy cringing.

That pussy line was pretty bad, but I'm not sure if it was enough to poison Bronn to death.

I am in utter disbelief that Doran, Bronn, Jaime, and everyone on the pier, all watching Ellaria's long and lingering kiss with Myrcella, wouldn't IMMEDIATELY assume she had just poisoned the princess.

To clarify, nothing in Hannibal has really made me think Monster until last nights episode. Like you said, the catacomb sequence was probably the main reason I felt the parallels. Perhaps the inquisitive nature of Inspector Pazzi also reminded me of Lunge as well. That being said, Monster is fantastic, easily one

This felt like a live action Monster episode.

Anyone else crack up when they first showed Ellaria and her bitchy face? She takes me out of the show, every time, without fail.