
I did. From Wikipedia- "Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians, and commentators use beginning birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s... The Harvard Center uses 1965 to 1984 to define Gen X so that

Millennials have NOTHING on Boomers.

I feel incredibly bad for Millenials, as a Gen Xer. We saw and experience first fucked up wave of bullshit that you guys are going through- student loans, pensions and benefits that were either snatched away or not offered, debt as a way of life...meanwhile Boomers kept on voting those people who could satisfy their

And look back one more generation to the Greatest Generation itself, which brought back home all the horrors of World War II, then self-medicated with alcohol. In my family we had one Section 8 who was never the same after the war, and other cases of what now looks like PTSD. We also had endless cases of depression.

I agree, I find it hilarious every time an older generation calls out the younger generation for their alleged lack of respect/values/whatever. The older generation will always view the younger generation this way and be selective in their own memories of being young. Plus, like you mention, if young people have

boomers, as a group, have intense trouble seeing beyond their own needs. Intense.

The fact that I have very little contact with my mother has nothing to do with punishing her for the shitty things she did in the past and everything to do with protecting myself from the shitty things she might do in the future

It took my husband a few years of dating to witness the full crazy of my family in action - without this, he couldn't understand why I disengaged from my massively screwed up family. His experience didn't allow for comprehension of parents who weren't supportive and loving and buddy siblings who wanted to be in each

This was my mothers problem - she was given so much by my grandparents and yet resented them for not giving her more. Then she eloped with my dad, and things went from bad to worse. She was and is a self-centered bi-polar maniac whom everyone is either with her or against her, no shades of grey. You're on a

we need a club. I once made the mistake of calling my mom out on something she had said to me. Her response: "I NEVER said that. That's a lie and you need to talk to someone about your one sided issues involving me."

Agree completely. It's unbelievably rich to hear Boomers accuse other generations of narcissism considering they're the most narcissistic generation America has yet produced. Millennials have NOTHING on Boomers. These are the people who broke the country, tried to hand it to us, and when we went "uh, hey, this

Denying things that actually happened is called gaslighting, in case you didn't know, and pretty serious emotional abuse in my opinion.

This has been one of the most therapeutic pieces I have read in a long time. My sister and I are estranged from our mother and when people hear of this they usually paint us as spoiled children. "But that's your MOTHER!" they say. No matter that she was and is an abusive psycho who both my sister and I tried our

Vagnoni is 56, a few years older than I am (I'm at the boom's end.). When she writes about the ideas boomers have about how parents should be treated, I have to laugh. Boomers treated their parents like garbage. They had tons of advantages. The kind no group before or since had.

My mother has a lot of mental health issues (bipolar depression and borderline personality disorder) and she doesn't process guilt at all well. So she denies things so aggressively and persistently that you start to wonder if they ever really happened. I am (mostly) estranged from her because she was emotionally