
Splendid. The next time I'm in the UK and in need of batteries, this chart will come in handy. Now by any chance, would you have the same charts for US batteries & pricing?

What? I can't continue living in the past?

Yes, in general, if one is an asshole on Twitter & FB, then one is usually an asshole irl as well.

It's erbal Herb, not herbal Erb

We'll get to iPhone X and then it will be dot releases

Most often I do not buy organic food. Generally, I look for the freshest, best looking food and buy that regardless of how it was grown. In my experience that is usually the most tasty food.

+1 on Vitamix. We make smoothies from frozen fruits almost daily and this blender does a great job.

A little fancier that Alton Brown's. Remember that you need to do this on a surface that can deal with direct contact from hot coals as once they get small enough, they fall through the bottom of the chimney.

+1 on Barkeepers Friend. I find the liquid to be a waste of money - the powder works just fine. YMMV. For tougher stains I use MAAS metal polish.

I usually don't wait for new hardware as there's always something "just around the corner." Having outgrown my rooted Nook Color, I almost sprang for the Nexus 7 but decided to wait and see if this mini iPad materializes. So, yes. If the mini is more reasonably priced than its big brother, I will definitely

Ana White's site has a lot of easy DIY carpentry projects.

Well, don't keep us in suspense. What was his password recovery question? We can use our own judgment from there as to blame

I've carried a Corsair Flash Voyager Mini on my keychain for years.

It's only messy if you rush it.

psst... that's two continents

What? From a UC Davis peer-reviewed paper:

Really? Is Cook's Illustrated enduring a content shortage or something? What's wrong with: a) sear both sides, b) roast to finish use a meat thermometer to check for doneness?

Call me when they can do contacts.

If it looks like a diaper and smells like a diaper...

Too good a name not to use somewhere.