
uhhhh Good Will Hunting?

Richard is objectively one of the least likable people on tv

Vanessa and Bobby were long two of the most underrated cast members, along with Keenan. They will be missed.

I like that elevator reuniting scene way better when scrubs did it 12 years ago

Here's my one question about the finale. Eleanor's note says to find Chidi. But it says nothing about Tahani or Jason. How will they have any memory of what is going on/ be able to be roped back in at all? I feel like Eleanor should've included them

Bojack better be in the top 15

My top ten
1 mitski- puberty 2
2 anderson paak- malibu
3 lucy dacus - no burden
4. danny brown- atrocity exhibition
5. kyle craft- dolls of highland
6. xenia rubinos - black terry cat
7. pinegrove - cardinal
8. mothers - when you walk a long distance you are tired
9. michael kiwanuka - love and hate
10. nicolas jaar-

Time has told me by Nick Drake. He'd be the biggest star in folk music if he were alive (and discovered) today

It has nothing to do with Repbulicans or Democrats. If fallon played silly on his show with Pence, or Cruz, or Christie it's different, because they haven't outwardly said horribly racist, sexist, and xenophobic comments.

I was on the fence about this show but it's getting better and better each week. I'm finally hooked. Janet is my favorite new tv character

I have no problem with him interviewing a presidential candidate playfully. He's a comedian. I have an issue with him joking around with someone who has publicly said disgustingly racist and sexist things.

Once again seems as though Barb was neglected

whataburger HBCB

Whataburger HBCB

came here to write about this. No HBCB?

requiem for a tuesday

Officer Fuzzy Face. Meow Meow Fuzzy Face. Or basically any other character on Bojack Horsesman

Back to school song from billy madison?

The payoff was amazing shame on you

Also in that Louis CK interview he says: "It comes out of your butt and makes a little trumpet noise. How is that not funny?"