Why isnt the victim not noticing the car with bright ass lights before she chose to cross the street in the dark at a random point this is like 80% her fault here.
Why isnt the victim not noticing the car with bright ass lights before she chose to cross the street in the dark at a random point this is like 80% her fault here.
If your gonna jaywalk at night you should have your head on a swivel and not assume someone is just gonna stop for your ass. Car had its lights on and was at a constant speed she should of waiting for it to pass.
She was only visible on second 5 in the headlights on second 6 she was struck. She had no chance no matter if AI or a person was driving. She was at fault here not crossing at a crosswalk and not waiting till the car passed.
Not sure what FEMA could of done on Day two. The roads were impassable and took days to clear. There was no way to get the fule there in that time frame. Like you said entire island destroyed. Helping Walmart save their stock was not priority number one. Im guessing it was Rescue, Supplies to citizens food, water,…
Made 17% last year on my 401k. They are not all bad.
Whats the point of the feature if I have to watch the road like I’m driving and put my hands on the wheel like I’m driving? I’m not saying your wrong but it seems like adaptive cruise control would just be safer than Tesla autopilot feature which promotes distracted driving relying on the feature to drive.
They need a camera inside on your face, if your eyes are not up and forward for a long period and it’s on autopilot it should warn you then turn off.
I as a man should now dictate how a woman wants to bring her case to light and who she wants to tell her account of it to? If she confides in me I’m supposed to tell everyone high up in the company even if she does not want to or want to go to the police? If a victim doesn’t want to report a rape I as a man should do…
Why is it Ben Affleck’s responsibility to report a crime he heard about 2nd hand? Who is he to report it to? Did Rose even go to the police or just handle this privately with a money payout some and NDA? If she isn’t going to the police is it his responsibility to drag her experience into public light?
You PC Bro!
Give me a break. He was saying she was most innocent because she called to stop a potential crime. This is a man who has tried to shed light on many injustices done to minorities by police. Not a racist.
It was public streets.
It’s called unlawful discharge of a firearm and is certainly an arrestable offense. You can’t just walk around streets shooting off a pistol in neighborhoods.
Sitting so you’re not crushing your sex organs between your legs on a half empty train is not man spreading.
I’ll sit how I like so I don’t crush my balls. Knees look far apart but in the crotch area legs are only apart a few inches. If room is needed ill gladly do what I can to make room but will sit how is most comfortable till that time. Purse spreading is a way bigger problem as well as women with feet up on the seperate…
If this is such a big deal why give teammates the ability to kill eachother in first place?
They dont sell replacement filters for that robot vac. Don’t buy.
They dont sell replacement filters for that robot vac. Don’t buy.
This lady with barely two brain cells does not represent white people as a whole just like no one black man represent black people as a whole.
Whats the point of buying american if all the parts are made in Mexico?
Tell your doc your issues and ask for a Valium for flying.