Brian White

Same as my Kotaku tag: Wingzero351. Good luck!

I didn't play it until years after the fact, but yeah, it's awesome.

Rest in peace, sir.

Haha, that'd be great!

On the other hand, you shouldn't cast Balefire too much or you risk destroying the Pattern :-)

Yeah, the capture-the-flag mode (I believe it was called "citadel" mode?) was innovative. More games should try stuff like that.

Exactly, it passed well under the radar when it was released. It's a shame, because it was very unique for its time. There's just something about the level design that makes it stand out.

Same here :)

The Wheel of Time

I did Homeworld for my Game of The Week blog on TAY a month ago. This is such awesome news! Hopefully there's an amazing soundtrack to compliment this game as well.

Seems accurate. I mean, watch the show carefully, it leads up to this.

No, you're right. He says f*ckball, all right. Far as I can hear.

Look at all the indie games out there. Look at all the one-person development teams. There's games out today that just ten years ago would never have succeeded. Nobody would've taken a chance on a game like Dust: An Elysian Tail, or To The Moon, or Kentucky Route Zero. Just look around. We don't need a grunge

If one of those plumbers walks by, they'll probably smash that ? Box too.

Where's Ruby Weapon? Ahhh, I'd just smash it out of rage if I had it.

I'm curious as to where one starts when trying to land a game journalism job? Right now I write a weekly blog on Talk Amongst Yourselves (Game of the Week) (shameless plug) but I'm just wondering, how do you, like, "go pro?"

Yeah, he could at least have a cameo here.

This stuff is amazing. It's always fascinating to me to see works of art come together, from simple shapes (or in this case, stains) and turn it into, well, art. It's practically wizardry.

Doesn't look like it happened for me :( Does anyone have an extra code, by chance?

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