
I always enjoyed watching him thrash my Longhorns in the Big 12.  Him and Ell Roberson were a really great duo.  

But do any of those level headed people have even a remote chance to beat Trump in in 2020? Who are the top 5 rising stars of the party poised to take on Trump? I don’t see a sitting elected official in congress or senate that could realistically challenge Trump. Trust me, I wish there were legit challengers.

Why is Trump unfit compared to W?

Please, I’ll take all your yeti cooloers and nike golf balls. Get rid of those American hating companies and send them to me.

Yeah, this is article is border line dangerous. Literally a “life hack” in the truest definition of the words.

Anyone of note driving the other cars? Anyone do anything stupid?

Just bc you don’t have dirty laundry (if KP is telling the truth) doesn’t mean you want everything out in the open.

Playing down hardcore investigative journalism as “goofy website”?

Something Trump and GMG can agree upon, you’d both love to piss on his corpse.

This country has been party line voting for quite some time, is this a surprise to you? Has Palin personally affected you in an any way? She’s melted into obscurity and never had any actual power over anyone one except Alaska.

Not quite fiction, not quite reality, but way fucking better than anything the GOP has going for it right now.

If sports reporters acted like real journalists just mere 25% of the time they would hound this fucker the entire year.

I think our semantics are getting crosswired. I agree with what you said, but I’d put that in an individual circumstance, or it could be group circumstance. At the end of the day, it’s a depressant on the nervous system to every person and with enough dosage, will poison.

It’s a time waste for me.  I play it when I’m bored and don’t have a game going on.   That is it.  I would never cough up full price for this.

Do you expect a study like this to tailor itself to every individual? Of course it’s on a global scale. Read the study instead of basing your assumption from a line Jezebel quoted.

My great grandfather was murdered because he was having an affair with someone elses wife. The husband walked in and shot both dead then called the police. Jury said it was justifiable homicide....  He wasn’t charged with the murder of his wife, just my GGF.

And let the father of your kids waste away?   Addiction is tricky animal.  It’s not always black and white.

I’ve had medium rare pork chops, but nothing like the picture headlining the article.

Sheep fuckers is more appropriate.

Found the guy with SEC sticker on the back of his truck.