Even better is the feeling of pinning McCree when he is is locking on to targets for his ult.. oh so sweet.
Even better is the feeling of pinning McCree when he is is locking on to targets for his ult.. oh so sweet.
99% I tank or support when the time calls for this exact situation.
Was the Franchise Tag not negotiated during collective bargaining sessions? How the hell can players say no this this? I’m not sticking up for the owners, it seems like Franchise Tag doesn’t even matter anymore.
Not making that assumption seems ridiculous for this case, but making the assumption and charging someone just based on circumstantial evidence is what gets innocent people locked away for decades.
Not mutually exclusive.
I can’t wait for my entire team of Ric Flair clones to battle evil aliens. WOOOOO!!!!
Damnit, when I was a little kid, for some reason, I thought that if shit ever hit the fan and stuff really got bad, like Cobra taking over the world, that we would send in the Blue Angles and they’d wreck who ever’s shit was causing us trouble. To the 8 year old me, they were invincible.
My wife is pregnant. We live in Texas and frequent the gulf coast. She is pretty terrified and I’m not 100% confident zika can be contained. CDC and others keep saying it’s not an “if, but when” situation for these mosquitoes to come to the US, but other than that, they haven’t really provided anything else in regards…
Why did Giant Gonzalez wear a body suit of a ripped guy?
Only issue with the ballpark is getting roasted in the summer, other than that, it’s a wonderful place with great atmosphere... for Arlington.
I want a huge pre battle hype session, Jon vs Ramsey, fight of the century, then John Snow cuts of Ramsey’s head within the first 10 seconds, like Brad Pitt’s Achilles killing that guy at the beginning of Troy.
I’d really like to see a bullet point list of Cuban’s stance on typical hot button issues. I thought he was more of a financial conservative, social liberal type person, which inherently has some contradictions, but it would be interesting to see.
Shit gets serious when a tiny, unnoticeable bug bites you and can cause a life altering birth defect. I’m in Texas, and frequent the coast, and have been worried about Zikka implications. Fucking mosquitoes are everywhere.
Cokes taste like Pepsi and vice versa.
Replace “pacifier” with “baby” and now we are talking!
This is Austin, naming it after a Zoolander quote is too mainstream.
I want my millionaire shortstop to hit more than 6 home runs per year.
You must not have kids.