Well... so far it’s;
Well... so far it’s;
about that...
That.. that’s the joke.
Screw the passengers. They can look away
So the moment each cell detects bright light, it goes opaque?
I live in Pennsylvania. When I wanted to volunteer at my kids’ schools, I had to take a three hour mandatory training on spotting grooming, sexual abuse, and what to do if you even think its happening.
MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.
Detroit + family - Nancy Kerrigan = bad vacation
I did the same thing for my wife. She was in a perpetual under 20% charge on her phone anytime we’d leave the house. I bought her a portable battery pack and it’s worked.
Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.
And guess who helped write the jokey copy for the pop-up asking you to turn off your ad blocker on this very site?
Goddamnit, I just watched that episode. WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
It’s not after-sex if your partner didn’t even get off lol
I know you’re being sarcastic but it actually does check out. Their is no question Michelle Williams is the better actor but like it or not Mark Wahlberg has been in 12 movies that grossed over 100 million dollars, Michelle Williams has been in two. It makes since that his negotiating power is stronger then hers. Of…
the most extreme act by anyone was involved was us having to use our Getty Premium subscription to use the photo of the city skyline in our post.
Nirvana’s version of “Man Who Sold The World” from MTV Unplugged is fantastic.
So far, the only athletes that have qualified under IOC regulations are Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik, a pair of figure skaters.
I have an incredible fact about Ryan Fitzpatrick you’ll never believe.
You guys should do a weekly feature providing alternative advice to that of Miss Lonleyhearts. This has Drew written all over it.
I’m (a) guy who argued that there’s potentially room in the market for an alternate league because the NFL has turned away more people this year than it has in previous years. You’re free to disprove it, but: