Wing man of doom

Here’s a piece of information of which you’re clearly unaware; the taxes that support basically everything are paid by the rich and middle class. if you imagine the tiny amount of taxes generated by the sales tax that you and the rest of underclass pay amount to anything in terms of the Government budgets, you’re both

That really did distort people’s expectations, didn’t it?  I still have mix CDs that were completely napster based

Yeah, i surf the web when I’m working but not actively engaged. Today it’s letting some training videos run in the background. It’s ok because i provide enough economic benefit to my employer that I don’t have pretend to be busy when I’m not. You’ll understand if you ever have a knowledge based job rather than

Yeah, because I don’t work in retail, and I’m project based, i have a lot of leeway in my schedule. It’s a reward for working hard and being useful for the last 20 years. Being a professional complainer or victimization specialist doesn’t really generate economic benefit for anyone, and is closer to a grift than a

Yes, young idiots of every single generation love the idea of free everything while having no idea how any of it works, or the responsibility to make it work. You can see it in every clickbait article on Splinter that can be boiled down to “other people have things I dont so we need to change everything so they’re

So, basically, you’re mad that people are thinking about what the actual policy outcomes and effects on the poor will be instead of jumping on the latest virtue signal slogan to show which side of the wedge they’re on.

This is not serfdom.  They are not beholden to any master.  They chose to be freelance drivers.  They chose to use their own cars.  They didn't sign any contracts requiring 9-5 service. 

Game 4 is clearly huge for Golden State. Because no team in NBA history has blown a 3-1 lead. 

They took all the money he deserves

It was more a comment on how weird it is that there are actually positive articles being written about this franchise in this space. The coverage isn’t questionable - it’s Deadspin and there’s no such thing over here. Writers write what they see and feel and that’s cool. Sports coverage ebbs and flows, but Raps

Yeah the coverage has been questionable, they make it seem like the Raptors had a run of embarrassing playoff flops and now are good as hell this year.

Barstool uncovered a trove of sexist/homophobic comments from current Deadspin writers. 

Did I miss why Deadspin is so hard up on Barstool and Bleacher Report? I don’t read either of those sites, and I get why Barstool is gross, but it seems like an insane amount of reporting on competitors.

Hey, remember when a bunch of you guys were touching yourselves in your special place because you thought Avenatti was a fighter-FINALLY!- who would go toe to toe with Trump in an election?

Nice to have a breath of fresh air coming from someone who has actually lived politics for the past quarter-century rather than a bunch of Twitter savvy blowhards longforming in Kinjaland.

Wake up - the Democratic Party has NEVER been about any of those things and never will be.

Presidents don’t have to demand Secret Service protection, they are given it automatically.

I totally respect that GMG is union now, and I don’t take rideshare anyway because I have a car and live less than 1 km from where I work, but I am curious if there can ever be a place for tech companies that just facilitate individuals to act as independent contractors?

That may be true but MLB has much bigger fish to fry. Their overall business model long-term is broken.  Attendance has plummeted because teams are purposely tanking (only half of the teams are trying to win). Local RSN ratings are down.  The games are way too long.  Shifting has significantly reduce contact hitting. 

Even if they had forseen it, they probably would not have changed the setup of the Senate because it was a necessary compromise to get the Constitution ratified at the time. Also, the framers intentionally wanted to give lots of power to minority groups to prevent their rights from being trampled, which is pretty much