Wing man of doom

Yes, we’re doing this again. And Trump is going to win again.

I’m no Scott Brown fan, but to call him a carpetbagger is ridiculous. He lived most of his life in Massachusetts, spent 35 years in the Mass National Guard, served in the Mass General Court from 1998-2010, and received all 3 of his degrees from Massachusetts colleges.

Probably because he isn’t constantly taking shots at other elected representatives from his own party during press conferences and interviews.

“OMG how is Pelosi speaker, her last tweet got ratioed”

Spoiler alert, the majority of our country is right of center. Despite the views of Splinter, you can’t magically change reality just because you really hope it. But hey, go ahead and let these attention whores be the new voice of the party and demand everything so we get another 4 years of this asshole and probably

Yes, everyone should bow to a few kids who won unopposed seats in safe districts.  That will change the reality that the people in the districts we actually need to win don’t necessarily disagree with them.

It’s almost as if no one likes the new kid who comes into a new job and starts telling everyone whose been there for years whats what instead of shutting the fuck up and learning.

How Shocked Are You to Learn that We don’t care About Copyright Law?

Marshmello, the first musician to put a concert on in Fortnite, was offended by this blatant act of capitalism.

CNN is useless. That they can even try to claim that they're fair is preposterous.

Tough weak for annoying liberals.

The Dems do not want a wall because walls are effective in stopping illegal immigration. The Dems want illegal immigration because the NGOs promoting illegal immigration make sure to inform illegal immigrants that if they want to stay in America they will need to vote for Dems. It’s important to note that it is

The electoral college is the system that was established to get the buy-in of rural states. If you eliminate it, and/or eliminate senate per-state representation then you are saying to rural states you’re renegotiating the deal and removing any and all of their political power.

Don’t expect them to play ball with

Yes the system would change and yes more people would then vote, why is that a bad thing again?

You have a two party state. The majority who vote for one are largely rural, while the majority who vote for the other are urban. With the electoral college, those states all have the same vote. Changing to popular vote means that the largely urban, democratic centres, will always win.
You will become a one party

That will work great until the first time a state that would have given their votes to a Democratic candidate based on how their state voted has to give them to a Republican. The people in that state would and should shit a brick.

Waaaah, I can’t win with the current rules, so let’s change it so I can...

How about developing a strategy to win in rural areas instead of trying to change the rules...

I’ve never voted Republican in my life. This would get me to vote Republican in 1 second.