
@ExtraDas: Whoops! Although, it is dark humor, if you think about it. The design of this taxi is unsafe.

Action movie plots will be further enhanced with this taxi design of the future!

@Capt. Seckpant: The trombone is for which part? The sad fact that RIM is still behind on the smartphone competition?

@jinushaun: Planned Obsolescence is a tech company's best friend.

It's still a BlackBerry, which means it'll run the BB OS 6.0. Which means that everytime I install or uninstall an app, I have to wait 5 minutes before I can even use my phone. HA! T-Mobile customer service in North Texas sucks so bad. It's like they know you'll choose them for their prices and don't give a darn about the rest.

@afex505: It's the screen doing that, not the CCD.

@bigcamcrsx: No, it revolves around New York and California. -_-

@cc: It's a possibility...

@cc: Yeah, you're right... How the heck they keep using those things?! It's purely for the texting experience. I can't stand the poor quality of the apps, the 5 minute boot-up/reinstall time... It's like a Windows PC, TBH...

@Toribor: If you start torrenting with it, then they might be scared and cut you off... :/

@cc: Admit it. Common folk are gonna buy an iPhone over any Android phone, no matter how much more powerful they may be.

@TheAxMan: This is true, but as it looks from current data, Win8 will leap frog iOS by putting the full OS onto a portable device and not have it be gimped in anyway.

@GizmoTron9000: Yes, I do know what Lion is, you silly goose. I was referring to Microsoft putting the full-on Win8 on a portable device. Apple has stripped all the fluff out of OS X and made it iOS, which is not what I was looking for.

@Kaiser-Machead: Perhaps... There's always the pre-orders, though. ;-)

@jbouklas: When I meant portable, I meant it as putting the full OS on a device. Not the gimped iOS we all know of.

Wait a minute, did Microsoft just leap frog Apple by 500 km? I don't think Apple was anywhere near this close to putting a Mac on a portable device and make it be so... portable.

@duck: Oh my gosh, thank you for reminding me about this. I wanted one of these so bad a few months ago... XD