
This *REALLY* did not need to be publicized with a map...

The article wasn't very obvious about it.

Wait a minute... $100-200 per 2 tablets? Aren't iPads $400-800? WHAT PROFIT???

Much like Nokia hated the idea of benefiting from other's ideas, Apple wants to own an idea wholly and completely, not having to borrow from open sourced ideas. It's what makes them "unique", not necessarily geek friendly.

When your job is to field test phones, it gets a bit tedious.

6 months, maybe?

Apple invested in the development of this and didn't get it out in time to beat USB 3.0. I doubt a corporation will let millions go to waste just to satisfy open-source aware consumers that number in the minority.

Well... It is true. You can get shocked by exposed wires...

HULK HAVE NO MONEY TO BUY PUNY BUT FAST APPLES! (No offense, but most people that dislike Mac hate them solely because of the price. They must find some other way to make them look inferior to their sub-$1000 laptops and desktops.)

It has to do with the fact that copper wires provide power as well as data access to a given peripheral. Light alone cannot provide power. It is because of this simple fact of physics that we can't use fiber optics by itself. We'd have to use a separate power source to run an external hard drive. That's not ideal for

@The5thElephant: USB 3 is backwards? I guess for Apple it's obsolete.

I call for the name "SuperPort".

Isn't that what Apple is trying to market the iPhone as? A super smart feature phone?

Much like the experimental buttons in Mac iTunes, this iBooks dilemma is an experiment Apple is doing. If it works (looks like it has), they may try to implement it into the OS as a whole and brick the phone. This would of course be in violation of that famous DMCA exemption... I think.

Yep. There will be tiny scratches from the lint in your pocket, so it'll be useful to have.

Here's the thing about "Anti-Glare" or matte screen protectors: They reduce the clarity of the details shown by your phone's screen. It makes them slightly blurry.

I see what you did there... Mr. Cheesehead won't be happy with you...

@Setsail: No, this is... The Xperia Play.

@liftedngifted1: Don't you know that purple is the bad-ass color?
