
@pixelpushing: You have a point about Apple being the one to consider the SIM-less concept. If it were Google or another brand, it would be something completely different, or at least easier to be optimistic about it.

@pixelpushing: Here's my problem with this mentality: Apple can and WILL lock out the iPhone's software, SIM included, to control their Disney-fied products.

@Hellkeeper: Fox will cancel anything that's not as successful as American Idol or Family Guy.

And all the corporations yell "NOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

@bdkennedy1002: Yes, because a bloated mess is less fun than a bare bones movie editor. Because video newbies LOVE lightweight video editors with little to no tutorials.

@JabbaB: They can't. It's their "thing".

Um, this is not a Macbook-inspired phone. The Nokia I know would not stoop to the level of copying their competition... yet. *coughRIMcough*

Nooka? Nookia? Nokia?

HTC Aria? What are you doing there? You don't belong there, with all your cool colors and nice hardware...

I'm sorry, Ms. Hannaford, but this phone actually looks good. Everyone has a different sense of style. If everyone liked one thing, our world wouldn't be as exciting...oh, wait... Does the iPhone count?

Is it worthy?

Can you do some Symbian ones for a change?

Only in the UK would this happen...

@imTheKing: I wish so hard for this... I bought a red 1st gen Zune a few years ago... I wish I could of used it for Mac, but nope. Microsoft could have had some competition with iTunes.

@zelannii: Nope. It's taking the best of both worlds.

@medopal: Mac OS Xi will most definitely be touch-based. Remember that patent for a tilting iMac?

@computerkid: Does it matter? Microsoft's entertainment services are amazing. Compared to Apple's Front Row and iTunes Store, it's beyond awesome.

@PresidentKennedy: So is releasing iTunes for Windows. It's madness that the iPod has cornered the portable market.