
@webdevmike: I think the company making Pixel Qi screen went out of business.

@jambro: So, it balances out then. 5Gs at 2 min, 3Gs at 8 min... Same amount of gastrointestinal torture.

@aerognome: For an extra $5,000 USD...

The Apple Android is the ultimate expression of irony.

@Zool SD: Then why'd you post it? It's like watching a movie without knowing what you're watching... Oh wait...

@WingedGenius: Sorry, my eyes are not calibrated today. That is Cronus...

@Volanova: Heh, my sense of adventure is climbing a mountain with nothing but clothing, a harness, and a good rope.

Still not convinced about going up in a rocket at all.

@Zool SD: Seriously, I've never understood the internet's obsession with the film, "The Big Lebowski". WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT IT?!

@minimaltek: It represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony.

@MikeLanglois: I swear that we need to reform our patent and copyright system and make it so that everything works with everything else without issue.

@dgkz0idberg: Why pirate it then? If it isn't interesting, why have it in your library?

I wonder if Microsoft Legal Interns will get a free WinMo7 phone.... Sorry, I mean Win*Pho*7...

This reminds me of the Humble Indie Bundle discovery in which it was discovered that 25% of downloads were pirated. No matter what, even if all logical reasons are validated, people WILL steal for the heck of stealing. It's down to either getting geek cred on the internet or some people with a bad case of Kleptomania.

Why is it that I disagree with this article completely? Yeah, PC gamers are going to have more precise controls with a mouse and keyboard, specifically the mouse. But to be honest, I like the gamepad over the mouse because everything is in one place and I do not have to work as much on coordinating both hands to

@mrjoeyyaya: Hey, it was a guess, not a statement of fact...

@mrjoeyyaya: PSP's also have web browsers that are hard to control and therefore have no censor programs. That means all those "innocent" Chinese citizens will be exposed to *horrible* concepts such as "freedom of speech" and "democracy"...

@doggdiggity: Looks awesome! Does Launcher Pro work on the HTC Aria? I'm looking to get that phone when I have the extra money...