
The "magic" of Apple is starting to fade away...

@Marios_shadow: Is Linux really so important on a gaming/media console to you?

@Jason Koroll: So did I. I see it as an abbreviation, not an acronym.

@im2fools: You mean MeeGo? Sometime this fall or winter. It'll be this year... hopefully. Nice to see all major manufacturers bringing in the next-gen OSes.

I was in heaven until I saw that MotoBlur was on this device... Boo.

Goodness, they stay up-to-date more than most techy companies I know of.

@goaliegeek: See, what I still do not understand to this very day is why people will wait in line for days for an object and then sell it the moment they get home on eBay for a vastly higher cost.

@junior ghoul: I can't help that. It's in the name...

*double post, please delete*

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter much?

@Hell_yawn: Yeah pretty much. At least until 22 Dec.

They had a five-year contract with ATT, right? So we won't see a CDMA iPhone till 2012.

@lilfleck: I think they move at the same pace as corporations do... An example would be corporations not upgrading their internet browsers or operating systems for 5+ years after they were released to market...

@dragon:ONE: I'm sorry, did you say you're turning *17-years-old* next week? Buddy, I'm just over the age of the majority in the US and just about to enter my next year of college and STILL don't own or work in a business that requires the use of BlackBerries.

@djheath: This needs a star. So many people in the US do not realize this...

@modestmouse: Goodness, Apple is NOT THE KING OF THE GADGET WORLD. There are actually other brands, too, like RIM, Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, etc.

@bspence: It's been around for a while. Nokia's official blog is, by the way...

@StriderNo.9: Nokias aren't shitty. They're of very good quality and last for quite a while. Not only that, but they're the most popular phone company in the rest of the world, second being RIM's Blackberry.

@Homerjay is utterly alone.: It can be animated. There's a little blue play button in the map legend in the upper left corner.

That's pretty cool... I think I can fully replace using iTunes as my method of renting movies now...