
People are allowed to be bored by anything they want. But telling other people, “You should be bored by this because it bores me,” is just being an asshole. I have plenty of things I am not interested in, have not been interested in, have lost interest in, or will never be interested in, but I’m not going to go around

She’s using her natural gifts for the greater good here :)  I listened to the audio and died when the interviewer asked if she would help T with his sartorial issues and she said, “I think he is unlikely to call”.    She avoided even referencing the names of the current first family.  It’s truly masterful.  

She wore on her first interview on The View a black and white Donna Ricco dress. I lucked into in a green and white version for my mom at Macy’s it was about $100 I got it for her for Mother’s day and she loved it, wore it that entire summer. If I am remembering correctly she wore dresses from Target as well.  

But if you are the first lady of the USA I’m pretty sure it would be considered accessible - you know, vs a $60,000 designer jacket. Or would you prefer your first lady dress from Walmart?  Nothing wrong with inexpensive clothing but we are talking degrees here yes?

yeah, I saw the headline and went, wait, all of that sounds...good?

Does ignoring boring news “ruin your weekend”? If so, your weekends must be constantly ruined and way beyond redemption, so either way it doesn’t matter to anyone else.

You don’t have to get excited but you’re here talking about other people’s excitement and being kinda weird about progress. You don't have to be excited or even particularly happy, but it's reading like you actively don't think it's a good thing at all? 

I wish people understood that properly executed snark is an art. Thrre’s more to it than just complaining about everything and being mean to everyone

No but Marvel seems to be trying to keep consistency in their cast which in my opinion has helped them succeed.

I didn’t say that, I said it would be dumb to recast her. She’s pretty solid in the role already, so why would they recast her outside of her not wanting to be Jane Foster again?

I didn’t know I needed to ad an /s to my answer.

Uh...apparently not you since you’re expecting them to make something else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Marvel is a company that makes comic books. Now it makes comic books and has a branch of the company that makes superhero films featuring their comic book characters called Marvel Studios. Marvel Studios announced more Marvel films. 

Because it would be stupid to recast her unless she decided she didn’t want to reprise the role.

Sweetie, I’m not mad but you appear to be in quite a fit of irritation.  Time for a nap?

wondering if Superhero movie bubble will burst”

In case you needed your weekend ruined, Disney has just announced the next decade of Marvel programming at Comic Con 2019.

I guess the bit is how much you hate these movies that are usually a really fun way to spend an afternoon? And like, that’s fine, but I absolutely cannot fathom why you’d write this article in this tone. Is the idea that we’re also supposed to be on board with you going through a list of announcements with a growing

Everybody knows what Sledge meant.  If you need to mince words to try to justify it you got issues.

Take it easy there Internet tough guy. All you’ll accomplish is providing fodder for the “conservatives are the real oppressed minority”myth and possibly an up close examination of police brutality.