
Yeah, I don’t understand why they don’t just call it a sale and list only the cheapest price.  “Pay what you want” makes sense for like community theater or something where you are supporting a nonprofit if you choose to pay more.  No one is choosing to pay extra money for jeans.

Yeah, I don’t understand why they don’t just call it a sale and list only the cheapest price.  “Pay what you want”

Thank you for saying this--instagram is blocked at work so your comment made me google for pictures of the cat and dang that is a super cute cat.

I would be excited to see Hellcat, but I’m not sure how they can redeem Trish after the end of Season 2. She was the highlight of Season 1, but she said some seriously heinous stuff to Jessica at the end of the second season and I don’t know how their relationship can recover from that. I mean I know it’s unfair

I assume their intention is for people to be able to mail them the used tampons. It’s easier to collect blood in a cup sure, but getting that blood to them and then to a lab would be more difficult.

I wonder if that’s like in an employer/employee type of situation when they use their position of power over you to coerce you?

Of the gif? It’s from Parks and Rec

For real, I was like... alarmed by how different she looks in that picture.  So weird the difference a smile makes.

The way that sentence is structured also makes it read as it it were Shannon that survived an assassination attempt instead of Tiller. I usually keep those kinds of grammar nitpicks to myself but I do think that’s a rather important sentence and needs to be clearer.

Well for one thing it seems they were each other’s first big loves which is something that a lot of people have trouble getting past.

I was at Target last night and when we walked past the girl’s clothing section there was a St. Patrick’s Day dress on a mannequin that I thought said “Boys are my lucky charm” and I was about to get upset, but then I realized it actually said “Bows are my lucky charm” cause there was like a big-ass bow on the

I thought the “normies” was a weird word choice at first, but I think they meant that in contrast to influencers meaning “regular people on instagram” and not saying that they were a “normal” size.

My favorite is cherry cordial kisses! They are particularly good if you put them in the fridge. I’m not sure they would be my #1 favorite candy if they were available year round but for some reason they seem to only exist at Christmas and Valentine’s. I always buy 3-5 bags whenever I see them. I have occasionally

My favorite is cherry cordial kisses! They are particularly good if you put them in the fridge. I’m not sure they

Yes, I think about there every time there is a post rounding up red carpet looks.

I genuinely laughed out loud at “We can take photos in front of the Full House houses if you want, I have friends who do that and the pics do really well on Instagram just something to consider”

I am an atheist and honestly pretty anti-religion, but no. There are definitely churches that are not like that. They may be few and far between but I have definitely interacted with a few and I live in the bible belt so I would think there are even more out in California.

I was thinking they maybe did originally plan to have the mermaids in bikinis but then decided to make them look more business-like?

The least-racist person in the world is racist. We know this, because we know trump is a racist, and he has stated he’s the least-racist person out there.

...literally no one would ever suggest this is a topic to discuss with your boss. When people say it’s important to admit you have racist thoughts, they usually mean it’s important to admit it *to yourself* so you can actively think about your own words and actions and how they relate to unconscious biases. Other
