I have to agree—this seems like a pretty great article opportunity but somehow she just ended up with an article about how much she didn’t want to write this article.
I have to agree—this seems like a pretty great article opportunity but somehow she just ended up with an article about how much she didn’t want to write this article.
Good Friday is a stock market holiday but for some reason not a bank holiday apparently? My company had it off.
Ah, I see, like how parents sometimes refer to their partner by their “title” of Mom or Dad when talking to their children. As a non-parent I forgot about this. Plausible!
But there also seems to be an implication in that sentence that they are somehow in the same age group as their grandparent.
Maybe if there was a costume that was pretty much entirely about the clothes and not about the physical attributes of the person really at all. And probably only fictional characters; seems iffier to go for an actual person.
I confess I tend to forget about him too, but when I am reminded I do think he’s pretty great!
I think that’s part of why the show is great—a lot of the stuff she does is pretty relatable, but then she takes it too far. So you can almost understand but then you’re like, woah now, hold up girl.
And we don’t really know if she even did a good job? Maybe if your home was featured in a magazine and people were actively telling you things like “wow, your house is so well decorated I love how everything ties together!” then in that context it would make sense to say “thanks, I decorated it myself.” Otherwise...…
My dad totally came and took pictures of me at my first job (cashier at Target). But at least I was appropriately embarrassed about it.
During a volleyball game, yes the athlete should do what the coach says.
I don’t understand how on earth football players are even remotely relevant to a conversation about a volleyball player!? Like what does that have to do with anything?
I’m a little confused about this—it sounds like she worked there when she designed these shakes, right? So wouldn’t they own the designs anyway? I mean, it’s pretty crappy for the owner to lie and come up with this whole backstory of how he invented them... but I’m not sure what she means about contracts and…
“Sorry you feel anything less than admiration for us” is probably the most offensive non-apology I’ve ever seen. Not only should you not be mad at us, you should admire us for stealing your designs!!! Wow.
I thought they did make the last Divergent movie but it went straight to TV.
Even if they did still live there, I would think a disabled cat would be better off living at a much smaller property!
When we learned PowerPoint in sixth grade I made a presentation about how many different and delicious ways there are to enjoy potatoes.
Ooh, that one is on my to-try list! I love their sheet masks.
Ooh, that one is on my to-try list! I love their sheet masks.
I like the Sephora ones—the green tea and the algae ones in particular. But I hate the packaging! I don’t understand why they have them packaged as if they are a one-use item, when there is easily 5-7 night’s worth of product in there.
I like the Sephora ones—the green tea and the algae ones in particular. But I hate the packaging! I don’t understand…
It’s basically just a really intense lotion
It’s basically just a really intense lotion
Yes. I made the mistake of buying a pair when a walking challenge at work was getting out of hand and I found a pair of leopard-print ballet flats that didn’t look too offensive.