
Who knows if it would actually happen but I have seen a lot of people online saying they would consider things at that point if Trump fired Mueller.

Thanks! Yeah, I always forget to be prepared for that during big sales. There were a couple of items I stared at for a while trying to decide if I wanted them, then when I decide “yes” all sizes are sold out but XXS and XXL. I really should check size availability before spending too much time thinking about how much

Thanks! Yeah, I always forget to be prepared for that during big sales. There were a couple of items I stared at for

Dammit, I went to the Anthropologie site to look for those green shoes you have pictured and I didn’t find them but I did buy a bunch of other things. Including these shoes, and a dress that was NOT on sale and cost way more than I should pay for a dress. Not sure if I want it to fit or not when it gets delivered...

Dammit, I went to the Anthropologie site to look for those green shoes you have pictured and I didn’t find them but

It’s very odd and I’m curious what she looks like without makeup.

We had a similar experience, but less tragic. They did save us pieces, but they save me the wrong flavor (my husband and I each picked a flavor for our layers and the coordinator specifically asked us which flavors we would want to eat!)

This pencil that Benefit used to carry was the best eyebrow product that I’ve ever used and I can’t really bring myself to buy anything from them since they stopped carrying it. They seem to be trying to get me to buy like 3 products to replace the one they discontinued and I’m not into that.

This pencil that Benefit used to carry was the best eyebrow product that I’ve ever used and I can’t really bring

You can sign over a check to someone else.

I visited my hometown recently and stopped in a crappy old gas station convenience store and they had a big sign out front saying “congratulations powerball winner!” Then I googled it and found out that was over 5 years ago!!!! and they continue to put that sign out front every day lol.

Cartoon Network still has lots of shows that have animation that looks like that type of style

My husband likes to cook and we were recently at a party at my dad’s house and he had this awesome electric wok and we all agreed I should get him one as a gift... but it’s not exceedingly romantic and also he will not be surprised because he was there for the conversation though he probably won’t remember until after

My husband likes to cook and we were recently at a party at my dad’s house and he had this awesome electric wok and

wow this comment is unbelievably horrible and callous. you are a monster, fuck you for wishing overdose or suicide on anyone just because you’re tired of hearing about them are you fucking kidding me???

Wiki says they got divorced when she was 30—it’s possible but it doesn’t seem super likely to me that she would describe herself as “really young” at that point in her life...

Ugh, exam dreams are the worst!

Eh, anything that happens while you were sleeping—like someone trying to shake you awake—is easily dismissed as a dream.

Oh god, and Xander’s pillow fight dream! Blech!

Are they at least delicious?

One of my best friends growing up was adopted and in addition to their birthdays, they each celebrated their “happy day” which was the anniversary of their adoption. I always thought that was a great way to be open with your kids from the start and also be clear that it is an awesome thing that deserves to be

Climate change is honestly one of the main reasons I am currently thinking I may not have children. I look at the storms every winter saying they are the worst yet, and I think jeez what will they be like 50 winters from now???

I was always all in on Baby Spice, but no denying Sporty had the best voice of the group for sure.

whoops should have scrolled more, I just commented with the same link lol. I’m really digging GQ lately!