
The statistics do not support the narrative: Thibs-teams do not (did not) play starters that much more than other teams. This has been a running gag for years, but a cursory look on basketball-reference debunks it quickly.

(sure, fire him. The wolves don’t seem to be exceeding the sum of their parts.)

People who live near four lane roads that don’t have enough cross walks

did he try to siri ICE?

Ichiro Laser Beam

it’s a terrible store and brand

you are so good at words

from the list you sent, a true bomb happens about 33% of the time

But those are solid models not real pics

uhh, they are developing them already. You think the companies Uber is paying just started working on this?

Are you the Last Psychiatrist ?

seriosuly fuck come on JB travelled

more like greg mon-row, row, row you’re boat up the laker’s ass

he did travel after he got the rebound

Spend $11m hiring black programmers?


Strikes should include specific demands, which if satisfied would end the strike.

* They’re


sometimes corked wine gets kept as an example of what corked wine smells/tastes like, to teach less experienced staff.