
Oh my god girl, not only was that piece my first intro to the darling Clover Hope, fellow ANTM obsessive who rightly put Yaya at #2 and Elyse not on the list AT ALL, but I commented there! I mentioned how adorable Bre was and how cute it was when Rich Juzwiak called her a baby dinosaur in one of his classic ANTM

I think I figured out why Time labeling Taylor Swift as one of the whistle blowers is so goddamn annoying.

Get it Britney. You’re in you’re mid-30's, still up on the stage, shaking your ass. I’m a fat mom in my 30's and I’m eating a 3 Muskateers bar at my desk.

Never thought Mariah Carey would look like Aubrey Plaza.

aren’t we glad we didn’t elect some WOMAN who would be worried about her appearance all the time instead of concentrating on her job?!!!

You gonna have to take that back because otherwise you’re insinuating A League of Their Own was bad and I will have to murder you.

For those of you looking for it, here’s the passage in question:

Condo boards and parent-teacher associations are where NIMBY helicopter parents and other sanctimonious meddlers go to indulge their autocratic fantasies.

Thank you.

The acceptance of white male mediocrity never ceases to amaze me.

Thank you for reading Joanna’s Ratings.

let me say it again:

A main difference, one hopes, is the lower cargo-short quotient.

Kim and Kanye take Taylor Swift

Wow very rude to Sporty, who legitimately has the best voice of any of them.