
Not for pee, no honest pool employee thinks there isn’t a ton of pee in the pool. They’re worried about floaters. Or worse, liquid shit. That’s a goddamn nightmare.

It’s already come and gone. Did you miss it?

I think it’s a way to ‘sell’ records. I’m pretty sure I heard about it on a podcast, but I can’t remember which one. Still, kind of cool.

Same here. Had an ear infection and went to the ER because of vertigo. Had to decline T3 to 3 different people, and each one gave me a weird look. I declined them because I wasn’t really in pain.

Fair enough. I voted for Outlander, because after the show, I thought it would be fun to read. After reading your comment (and others!), I’m starting to reconsider.

Out of curiosity, have you seen the tv show? What did you think?

That is good adulting!

Yes, but I’m also a parent, so I’m supposed to be modeling good eating habits.

Fuck. Now i just want kraft dinner :(

I haven’t lived through a swath of history, but I’m listening to the excellent podcast The History of Rome, and I’ve found that it has given me some perspective.


That’s so fucked. As a Canadian, my pregnancy totals we’re about $100: about $12 for prescription folic acid, and the rest was parking and food for the Mr. while I was in hospital. I didn’t have a c section, but my friends who did would have had bills under $200. More days in recovery means more parking bills.

Fwiw, Daniel Dale was heavily involved in the whole Rob Ford scandal. So he knows how to deal with right wing wind bags.

Here’s my issue: it kills my libido. Which means the Mr. Is pretty damn willing to get snipped.


Astronaughte’s just became way more appealing :)

Damn. I actually kind of want this. It’d make a cool journal, but I certainly don’t want to give the asshats who wrote it money or publicity.

Fuck. That’s awful.

Holy shit. I made a joke to the Mr. about men poking holes in condoms, but neither of us had ever heard of it actually happening. I figured it must have at some point, but I didn’t think about abusive partners trying to get their girlfriend’s pregnant to give them a link into their lives forever.