
Wait, Lowe’s is owned by Walmart?

Diapers aren’t that bad, especially at the beginning. Be prepared to try a bunch of different creams and shit, but that’s it. And your kid will pee through them. Every kid does

Crazier that it wasn’t the stones that it wasn’t the actual stones that went after them, but one of their old producers (I think, I’m too lazy to look it up). Also, around the time of the lawsuit, they had just released ‘anybody seen my baby’ which is VERY similar to constant craving by k.d. lang.

The fine people are snopes say one is a medical shoe, maybe a walking cast or something.

Is this for real? He really worried 2 different shoes?? My 2 year old knows about matched pairs of shoes. Wearing 2 different shoes would drive me insane, they’d feel different, like one would have a slightly higher heel or thinner sole and I wouldn’t be able to think about anything else.

Glad I’m not the only one.

Changing your name is a huge hassle - passport, driver’s license, credit cards, and now email addresses. Seriously, I have a couple of great Gmail addresses that have my name in them. If I switched those, I’d be stuck with mr.winesnobsname6738495@yahoo or something equally hideous. So if you’re looking for a good

Dishsoap is great for zippers/if you’re cutting fabric, depending on the fabric. Of course if you’re using your scissors for something else, you have a bigger problem. I’m thinking paper or food.

Lubricating scissors and zippers seems like a bad idea, too. Seems like a recipe for staining fabric/whatever you cut with scissors.

:) no, it’s not old. But it is older. Young pregnancy is under 20, anything past 35 starts to be considered geriatric.

Pregnancy is indeed crazy stressful and weird in all sorts of ways you never expect. As far as the positive goes, my sister-in-law tested positive with both of her kids, and they’re fine.

And football!

I came, I saw, I Kohl’d.

Thanks! I was a Levi’s wearer way back in the day, but have had trouble finding a fit with them in more recent years (like 5 years ago, which I know might as well be 1000), but maybe it’s time to give them another try. My understanding is the good ole US of A generally has more styles than the frozen north, so that

I’m grey, so probably no one will read this, but if someone does, I’m looking for advice about jeans.

Oh my god! I had no idea. I told my husband, he laughed. Though he called it a dad joke :/

This was beautiful, but also terrible.

You’re probably right about the food, but aren’t those states also awfully red? Alberta also produces a lot of food, but we don’t need 10 more of those.

Why is Canada stuck with all the crappy states? This dude doesn’t think places like Washington state or New England might want to join?