
I was in the Judaic Studies department in undergrad, which was next door to African American studies (in the basement; yes, we were aware of the symbolism there). There was a White full professor in AFAM and a grad student (who is now faculty). In an academic setting, I think it’s less about appropriation because

Nextdoor, if your community uses that, is also great. I see people buying, selling, trading and borrowing tools all the time on there.

Me either. Give me a knife, a saute pan, a cutting board and a spoonula and I can cook nearly anything.

I live by a lot of Thorin’s principles here — and I also cook pretty extensively. The trick? Avoid single-use items (juicer, avocado tool, ice cream maker) and instead focus on higher quality, more useful stuff. My plates are from Target, but I use my Vitamix every day.

I don’t even love my midriff and I would wear that. Gorgeous. Mosquito netting? No.

The little old lady is tiny. He's not a tall man.

Ugh. Yes. That I get. Family reunions are awful.

Yeah, he certainly had a hand up. It’s not like he grew up in a holler the son of a coal miner and pulled himself out of Appalachian poverty.

Cincinnati here. Yep. I feel you. They hate Cincinnati around here almost as much as they hate the south as a whole. We aren't perfect, but neither are the coasts.

Restaurant reviewers tend to go in unannounced, whether they are bloggers or writing for the New York Times. Otherwise, how is it a fair review?

Doesn’t a book or magazine distract you, too? Or sleeping before takeoff? And a heavy enough book can be more dangerous than a phone. With that logic, everyone should be forced to be awake, sober, and staring ahead for the first 15 minutes of flight with no exceptions.

Nespresso does have a recycling program. They even give you a bag to store ‘em while you wait to drop them off.

The bar is set pretty low, admittedly, but I was glad to see Pete attempt to throw her a bone.

Honestly, if this had been the last episode, I’d have been okay with it. Peggy is a badass. Joan has money and — kinda— love. Don is a hobo. Roger is Roger. We even had a nice moment between Betty and Don. What else is left?

I love Blue Apron for the same reason.

Some of these are great. Some of these are really only doable if you have a lot of space. I have a full size fridge and can't do freezer meals if I also stock up on necessities, you know? Not all of us have room for a chest freezer or even have a large pantry.

This this this. We look at the elderly as non-sexual people (whether they have dementia or not) who are basically just waiting to die. It’s really wrong.

I consider myself an expert in cute animals. That is the CUTEST of cute animals. How have I never seen a quokka before? DAW.

That’s a great point. Perhaps a better phrase would be “don’t overeat”— whatever that means in your particular situation.

I do not disagree with you at all.