I’m sorry. I’ve been very fortunate so I can only imagine what a struggle it is. I would guess that it damages in a way that alters your view of the world. And yourself.
I’m sorry. I’ve been very fortunate so I can only imagine what a struggle it is. I would guess that it damages in a way that alters your view of the world. And yourself.
My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.
Oh yes I still know all the words!
Forget zoo enclosures - tiger talk show?!
It's pretty ridiculous to say it's just an Oklahoma/Southern problem, too. It's a RACISM problem and it's everywhere.
Racism in Oklahoman problem and an American problem. You say "really, any Southern university," but as someone who grew up in a blue state but went to school in the South (Roll Tide), I wouldn't try to rationalize this as something wrong with the South/Oklahoma/red states because it's certainly not unique to those…
Oh shit ladies, Jesse and Zach figured us out. It's true: all women are psychos and we can ruin your lives. The safest thing to do would be to not mess with women anymore. If you value your lives, Jesse and Zach and Jeremy, don't have sex with women anymore. It's just foolhardy to put yourself in that kind of…
Note to Representative Rhetoric: Planned Parenthood does not perform that type of procedure in South Dakota. Breast exams and pre-natal care and women's health services are not terrorism.
Exactly why dudes wrote it into the bible in the first place.
I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.
if she shuts it all the perfection builds up and if she explodes the world goes with her
Wait, so this woman who hates men so much she aborted a male fetus in her got her buddy Robert to make her a webpage? All men are horrible except for the one guy who is doing all communication about the page I put up to say how men are horrible.
That, and everyone knows condoms aren't 100% effective. The only real, true way to keep him from being born is to teach his parents abstinence-only education, because it is 100% foolproof.
Or maybe it's fun if you get pics of your "frenemies" and make 'smores out of them. A delicious ending to slowly roasting that bitch over an open flame!
A note to ppl who are gonna pop down here to ask that I re-state this argument to more specifically accommodate or rebut your personal stance: I really don't care if you disagree with me and I think it's healthy that you do. The thing that makes Chait different is that his opinions have much more power than the…