This saturn might actually be a vehicle where the argument about not wearing your seatbelt so you are thrown free is perfectly valid.
This saturn might actually be a vehicle where the argument about not wearing your seatbelt so you are thrown free is perfectly valid.
Andrew, if you do cover your car in some removable paint, please document it, and the next year of how it holds up, in detail, and write articles, especially if it sees snow, salt, mud, dirt and so on, and on, and
The porsche does 0-60 in under 59 mph, if that helps.
And now i have had an argument about 0-60 times on the internet, and corrected someone, probably with incompletely researched and partially incorrect (on my part) information. My day is done, time for bed.
Tesla 2.8
What street?
Yes, it was the best one, but they are all gone now, dissolved on the salty snowy backroads where they were at their best.
Im going to steal number 3 and use it when i describe heartburn and the lower esphageal sphincter to people.
Don't forget Mozambique! They have more land mines than limbs.
Nah, I have been dealing with people correcting my spelling and grammatical deficiencies for 31 years now.
Thanks friend
This general unpleasentness is why i dont commute by bike anymore.
Okay, here’s the situation
My parents went away on a week’s vacation
And they left the keys to the brand new Porsche
Would they mind? Umm, well, of course not
I’ll just take it for a little spin
And maybe show it off to a couple of friends
I’ll just cruise it around the neighborhood
Well, maybe I shouldn’t, yeah, of course I…
Paper and ink and so forth, not paper alone.
And would cost about $100k to $250k to print on photo paper at home, depending on ink and paper quality.
What about having fun?