that is a crap ton of book you just judge by its cover there.
that is a crap ton of book you just judge by its cover there.
In that case maybe they should find a place to wait, lke the Bar (say it like your from Boston)
very nicely done, important cars all. I still contend that a top 10 list needs at least 20 cars though, to be complete
In a recent podcast Adam Savage said you can tell a film buff because there top 10 list contains at least 25 movies.
There have been many, i think bith chevy and ford made one too.
The fact that they look like candy, but are deadly, is also not that smart. Dont make poison that looks like candy and you will have less dead kids.
I see, thanks for the clarification. I would say that your hypothesis is partly plausible, but i feel that the larger problem is that a teenage boy has significant pressure put upon him to think that way in the first place. society implicitly tells boys that they should welcome such things, and that to complain is…
Wait, I'm confused by this comment, what does it matter if the Minor was horny, or does it matter that it was a boy, or do we assume that he was horny because he is a boy, but what difference would any of that make? I assume I missed something in your comment because the way i read it, it sounds like your saying the…
My love for cars was incubated in the warm weekend mornings at my family's home in New England, sitting in the back yard, helping my dad pull the engine, out of our VW camper and do whatever it was that needed doing, while Click and Clack played in the background. Laughter was always a part of those mornings, and that…
Because drinking and driving not so great, I think it should be related to not being able to drive, so beverages are enjoyed instead
Well, you get what you pay for.
Toyota: Dependably Dull.
Ok so its the end of the weekend, and given the car that leads the picture, and my recent lust for one of these vehicles, I think this version is especially deserving