
I stopped using my debit card to pay for 99% of things after these store hacks started being so prevalent. If someone gets access to your debit card number, they can do a lot more damage to your bank account than if they get a credit card number.

I pay for everything with credit, but that doesn’t mean I can’t “afford to pay for stuff”. I pay very close attention to our household budget (using YNAB, which is fantastic) and everything gets charged (give me that cash back!). Nothing gets purchased that we don’t have the money in the budget to cover, and the

I have a feeling you have no idea how to use a credit card... I actually make money using my credit card, but if you can’t control yourself and don’t pay off your balance every month, then ya you shouldn’t have one.

The underdog story of how a little known kid from a community college got drafted by the Dallas Cowboys.

Death waits for all of us. May as well enjoy living. Skull N Crossbones is breathing down my neck. I’m not taking it without flavor. : )

I’ve heard these kinds of remarks about powered shaving tools before, and the closeness has never been adequate for me. Is this device noticeably closer than a high-end electric razor?

I’ve heard these kinds of remarks about powered shaving tools before, and the closeness has never been adequate for

There are a lot of people here who are supporting you as vets themselves, so there is little I - someone with no Military experience - can add to That. However, I will speak from the view of someone with survivors guilt; You can’t hold yourself accountable for things that you actually had no real part in. If you

I think this was one of the more impactful things I have read here - and thank you for sharing. I am thankful for what you did as a part of your duty and sorry that it has affected you so. I’m sorry if has been difficult and I encourage you to find groups or others to discuss similar experiences or feelings with. You

Feel free to ignore the self-righteous chatter of those comfortably typing away in anonymity.

It only shows that you are human and have compassion. Nothing more and nothing less.

Just a small cog in a large machine man. But I feel you. I actually felt guilty working in logistics/support while watching those front line guys come back as different people.

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You know, it’s not logical to feel guilt for something you didn’t really have a direct hand in, but I’ll tell you from personal experience, it’s real and it’s a shitty feeling.

Potatoes are the Swiss Army Knife of the food world.

Yup. I would have also accepted; HAYLEE, or BRAXTON.

3.1. Don’t paint “AIDEN” in your child’s bedroom unless you’re willing to paint it over before you move.

It’s their rocket program that we have to keep an eye on. North Korea could destroy Seoul with conventional artillery, they need sophisticated rockets and missiles to hit Japan and the US.

You’re a good man, Jake. Good man.

Step 1: Connect to the car in question.