
Psssht, THANKS....yeah, REALLY needed to know this for a job interview. *thumbs up, dick-ish smirk on face, condescending tone*

Actually, no. You only have a right for arms.

Or just make a modern product. Ditch the speed walking and rhythmic gymnastics and put in street skateboarding and BMX Vert, etc.

As a millenial from the 90s (that’s a thing, right?), I think most of it comes from the figurative and literal shitshow the games were leading up to it, so I was markedly less interested in giving attention to it all.

How incredibly out-of-touch, and tone-deaf to today’s people can you be? The days of sitting down in front of the TV, in time to watch shows that only air at these specific times, are long over.

Millenial here... I did not watch this year’s Olympics religiously, but when I did, it was via BBC and a VPN chromecasted to my TV. Most of the people I know who watched it did the same thing.

the product was well worth watching.

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.

Millennials don’t need to get down with the Olympics; instead, the Olympics should pander to us millennials.

Top notch writing, based on Land Rover stories I’ve read would be considered non-fiction.

2 am in Florida, Feds including ICE agents quietly line up outside a quiet, unassuming white import shop. They place chains on the large overhead door which are firmly attached to the back of an acquired MRAP. With a solid tug and wail from the diesel powered behemoth, it rips the entire door and parts of the wall

Campari is how you separate the adults from bros icing bros.

Well as my dad always said, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. There’s people that have expensive brushes or just flat-out like the one they are using...those people have a very good case for not just buying another cheapo brush from CVS or Amazon. Then there’s the green types whose hatred of waste is

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

Alternately, just buy another one at CVS for 7 bucks. Cheaper than your time + wasted shampoo + ruined toothbrush.

I consider it to be more of a hobby. My true calling is subversive arts and crafts. I can kill a man with a popsicle stick.

Can I be a destroyer of best practices, and god of inefficiency instead?

I recommend adding that your are a god of best practices, destroyer of inefficiency, and that you once ISO 9000 certified a company with your cock.

I don’t make time, I eat time! I shit distance! I piss speed! I shoot depth out of my eyes like laser beams!

If you do happen to break down before making it to the shoulder, do what you can to make it super obvious that the car has stalled!