
What I culled from this story: now I know what stamps we're putting on our wedding invitations. IMPORTANT DECISION.

The headphones that are being worn all around our office. Lifehacker said:

The headphones that are being worn all around our office. Lifehacker said:

This outlet also fits the square plates, gives 2 USB, and doesn't require sacrificing an AC plug. As long as you're not needing to plug things with big plugs right into the wall, you're golden.

I'm a dude. Here are the reasons I wear undies to bed:

Everyone loves to hate on the wet wipes, but those fuckers get the job done... make a finger ghost and clean that ring around the bathtub.

Isn't that part of the sexist default, though? The dude's job is the most important thing in the family, so everyone moves for it. What about his wife's job? What about the kids' friends? It's actually nice to see the high-flying man make the sacrifice for once.

Well, I thought this was a great story and then got to the comments. Of course it's easier for him to step down with millions in the bank. I appreciate his candor about his decision. I especially like this:

If this had been at Michigan State University, they wouldn't have lifted the train, they would have just flipped it over with ease and drunkenly danced on top of it

Hell yeah!

Thanks for ruining my childhood, asshole.

As a Toronto resident I laugh at your puny short cities! (Except Chicago and NY :) )

My manhood is un-sacrificed by tea parties with my daughter, pink bike jerseys and knowing how to braid hair. I think it's safe to say that by having a child, raising it and making practical choices not based on what other people think is far more manly than living in fear that some idiot could make fun of you because

A minivan is a vehicle, not a lifestyle.

Presumably if you drive a minivan you have kids, which is kind of the ultimate proof of "Manhood" isn't it? We have lots of metaphorical definitions of "balls," but they truly serve one and only one purpose....

Nah, if I'm driving around in a minivan with kids in the back what I'm saying to the world is "Mine works just fine, thanks"

Your manhood is defined by the contents of your vehicle. The guy with paint cans, ladder, and tools in the back of his van is smart and has manhood in spades. Ain't nobody fooling nobody with an Edge/Explorer with soccer balls, and lacrosse sticks in the back.

If your manhood is so fragile as to be sacrificed should you be known to drive a minivan, it's not the minivan that's the issue.

The "lame" comment put me off a bit as well. However, the above comment is very useful and true!

Fair enough, throwaway. The linked article contains advice by strippers, for strippers. And when I say "for strippers" I mean in their interest and from their POV. It's not very helpful, that's why it's lame. Below, I've listed some things to expect along with some basic advice that might actually be useful to someone

North Haverbrook