
New tricks for an old dog, this is SCRUM (daily meeting)

"Remember, it's business, there is no such thing as a 'dick move'."

Ferrari parts bro. Ferrari parts.

You know I always had a really good time with magnetic poetry, I'm really glad to see Blake opting to use it as her writing style.

You young kids and your fancy technology rememberings.

Damnit, Torch.

Also, In case you didn't know, roof/chimney/whatever flashing is zinc coated steel, so...don't do this. Unless you're going to also put in the effort to grind/burn/acid wash the zinc off. All of which create toxic environments, so...don't just herp-derp down to Lowe's and do'll poison your family.

Yes, its punished by loud screeching and outraged name calling.

No. it's just the conservatives that twist everything up and make it a bad thought. Look at other countries and how they have free healthcare and education. Sure they pay higher taxes, but really.. they save so much more not having to shell out $8,000 for a 3hr hospital visit (ask me how i know).

I am fucking AMAZED by the guys that do this. I can't even wrap my head around it, it's like we're a fundamentally different species. My dick and I get along great and we have pretty high opinions of one another (well, I assume the well regard is reciprocated) but it has never once in my entire life occurred to me to

I am the most feminist woman I know, and I was raised by an early-on feminist (in the 70's - bra-burning, Ms. magazine era) and my mother and I both take extreme pride and joy in our children.

It sounds as if it was written by an 18 year old after a few sociology classes.

You don't have to justify to anyone why you don't want children.

BUT, since you're offering up a justification with invited comment boxes at the bottom — this is a pretty shitty take. "I can't have a kid because I can't separate objective statistical information from my subjective emotional reaction to selected

The solution is to stop clicking on valid articles that discuss a very serious problem with what GM has done.

and the exhaust is going bappetybappety-bappetybappety and all those little internal bits are going whumpawhumpawhumpa-whump

When I was planning my birthday party in Vegas, my childhood best friend was dragging her feet about coming on the trip and wouldn't tell me why. Finally, she confessed that she didn't want to come because she was convinced she'd be denied entrance to the club, or even asked to leave once inside, because she is

I generally stay away from YT comments, but I thought this one, misspellings aside, was particularly good:

Good for him.