
I live in the city, and am surrounded by some great hole-in-the-wall "real" taco & burrito joints. I, like many of my peers, have a go-to joint in every neighborhood in which I might find myself drunk after 2am. I have one I like to go to for lunch once a week, partly because it's across the street from my office,

Well played.

Did you pick out your new BMW the night before so you could be more focused at your work-at-home Google job the next day?

Jesus H. Krishna, that was brilliant. If you have a newsletter, I honestly would like to subscribe to it.

Private jet usage is calculated in hours of flight time. So if Preston Jr. flies young Preston III from East Hampton Airport to Tweed Airport to check out Yale, then that only counts as 10 minutes out of the 10-hour total, even if the jet sits on the general aviation ramp for half the day as pater nostalgically shows

I can also see some douchey people trying to piggy-back OpenTable and the like by selling and arbitraging restaurant reservations.

Funny you should mention pie weights - this is something I've had the "Argh, I wish I had these" feeling about on multiple occasions. But every time I've been poised to pull the trigger on them from Amazon, I've talked myself out of it by calculating that it would take many, many bags of dried beans to equal one set

This is exactly how I quit smoking. Picked a random day, threw my pack in a dumpster, and kept repeating the mantra, "I don't do that anymore." Had to repeat it a lot for the first few days, then less often over the following months. I still have to occasionally remind myself that "I don't do that anymore", but

Whoa, these kids are three?! I have a pair of 3.5yo's, and they're not half that coordinated on a good day! Maybe some taekwondo classes would do them some good....

This sounded like some tin-foil-hat crazy talk...until I let it roll around in my head for a bit. Now I'm freaked out for the writer's mom.

Yes! This makes me want to buy them a beer more (or buy them more beer...I'm down either way).

Very much so, yes. I have pretty high ceilings & am slowly swapping all of my can lights' bulbs & trim with one-piece LEDs, and this thing in A-frame mode with both sides fully extended lets me safely & comfortably reach the fixtures with no problems. I've also split the inner & outer parts and used it as a

Little Giant Ladder 13' Aluminum ($119) | The Home Depot | Promo code HDSPRINGBF. Also available: 17' for $149 and 22' for $179 with the same promo code.

Sadly, the TPMS in my 2014 BMW X3 (with Tech, Premium, and Cold Weather packages) is completely barebones and tells me which tire is low, and tells me if it's sort of low (tire highlighted in yellow) or really low/flat (tire highlighted in red), but it doesn't tell me exact PSI.

You use that double-handful of vomit as your VIP FastPass to the bathroom. Any right-thinking person who sees you heading toward them holding that in front of you will jump out of your way and let you pass without hesitation.

I was audited by mail once, two years after the fact. I immediately went back to my files and discovered that the error was completely my fault - I meant to do married-filing-separately, but accidentally filled in a field that I should have left blank and ended up converting to married-filing-jointly. As a result,

Well yeah, clearly that's the only sane way to use the stuff. I had problems with it when I lived in a small highrise apartment with a tiny, windowless bathroom with an ineffective fan. Even with the hold-breath/run-fan/run-away/wait-an-hour technique, the fumes refused to dissipate.

How are the fumes with this stuff? I used to swear by Scrubbing Bubbles, but the fumes messed me up too much.

1) No one from Chicago has actually cared about Graham Elliot Bowles in a long time. He was a "rock star chef" when he first came on the scene, but now his restaurants sit empty until they close for "reconcepting" so they can sit empty some more.

She did build a great closet on a tiny budget, which is great...but holy crap is this a lot of work! She may have gotten it done fairly quickly, but cutting/assembling all those drawers alone would take ages if someone was only working on this thing after work & on weekends (in between running errands, taking the